Immune Booster Week 2, March 28, 2020

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
March 28, 2020

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: phone: 734-475-4323 website:

The last couple of days with the rain and the warmth has brought the singing peepers out of their frozen bed of mud to sing all night.  Such a comforting chorus.  Thousands of voices together surging through the darkness as the rain drips and drops.  The soil is now moist and soft and full of young, bright, baby worms. The buds of the red maple are swollen and ready to open with the sap now full up into the wee branches.  It is good to see life coming back in its own way dependent on it’s own inner vitality.  What is it that allows the frogs, the baby peepers, to sing all night?  It doesn’t seem like there’s much food around right now.  How is it that the worms are so shiny and red?  Have they been eating something inside the soil that is giving them special energy?  What is it that allows the maple buds to swell and surge with such exponential growth?  Perhaps something about the sun? Something in the soil and roots?  And where is it that we find our renewal for this coming season?  From where and from what do we find our interdependence?  Does it come from some mysterious place deep within our hearts and minds?  Does it come from our relationship with one another? Does it come from the land and the soil and the stars and the sky? Does it come from a simple black bean boiled in its own juices with garlic and herbs?  Does it come from the sweet, creamy milk of a cow made into cheese?  Does it come from the yeasty wildness and the wild fermentation of a soft wheat dough?  Does it come from the sprouted infancy of peas and sunflowers?  Does it come from the raging hews of the succulent chard leaves?   Does it come from the apples, so sweet, stored carefully for many months?  Does it come from the orange carrots, the white radish, the starchy potatoes, or the salty rind of the cabbage, or the shredded flesh of the kohlrabi?  What is it that carries us through our day and will renew us for this season and more seasons to come?  Is it our nation? Our community? Our friends? Our family? Our connection to all life on earth?  What is it?
It is from this wondering of renewal that we bring to you this week’s food of the season with the collaboration of our good friends at Garden Works Organic Farm, the Brinery, Harvest Kitchen, Raterman Bread, Ginger Deli, Zingerman’s Creamery, Kapnick Orchards, and Goetz Family Farm.  Thanks to our very small, hardworking crew of Donn, John, Mark, Peter, Andy, and Christine, who helped pull these shares together for you!  Hope you enjoy this community effort of health and sustenance!

**PLEASE READ THIS!!  We will be distributing your share in 1 box that is 1-1/9 bushel.  Due to concern about contamination from the coronavirus, we are asking for you to take and keep the box at home for now.  From our research, the virus does not last for more than 3 days, but there are so many unknowns about it, that we are thinking it is the best option for now.  We definitely are hoping that you can return them to us sooner or later.  Please ask for help if you need any help in loading your share, and it is especially helpful if you are patient and kind with our volunteers as you wait your turn to be checked off for curbside pick up of the boxes. This is a time, like no other, to slow down and be as understanding as possible.  Also, if you have sent a check in the mail, please be patient, since we may delay in entering check payments. We will let you know if we are missing your payment some time in the next week or so.  If you paid with PayPal, you are all set.  You may drop off checks and cash (only in a labeled envelope) at the Food Hub and the Farm and place in a labeled Payment Bag.  We have also recently acquired VENMO, so if you have that app, please feel free to send money that way to @Deb-Lentz, with 6748 as the last four numbers of the phone number. Please give Deb a courtesy email/text/call at 734-385-6748, if you can’t make it to your scheduled Distribution Site on time, so we know what your situation is, so we don’t have to track you down. More storage tips can be found on our website under CSA Info>Veggie Id or Recipes>Produce Information Organized by Parts of the Plant.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting your local farmers and local food artisans as we travel together on this journey of health and mindfulness as we continue to face a myriad of unknowns in the coming days.  We are happy that we may continue to feed you and keep you healthy.  We wish you safe passage as we strengthen our immune systems with good local food and hopes for renewal!              
–Deb and Richard


1.  INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE:  Tantre Farm is looking for self-motivated interns/apprentices with a positive attitude and good work ethic, who would like to work on a bio-intensive, small-scale, organic farm.  They need to be willing to work 8-10 hours/day and be willing to live semi-communally with some cooking and cleaning responsibilities since this is a work-learning experience.  Please spread the word and have those interested review our description on our website and fill out an application:  Please have them text Deb at 734-385-6748 or email us at  Thanks for your help in spreading the word.  

2. SUMMER CSA 2020:  If you are interested in our 18-week Summer CSA, please sign up for $630 on our online registration at   The first pick up begins the week of May 24-30.  The last week is Sept. 20-26.

Harvest Kitchen is a food service that produces delicious, farm-to-table meals delivered to your home, your office, or picked up in some other convenient location with various meal plan options available.  Harvest Kitchen wants to reassure their current and future customers that Harvest Kitchen complies with the highest sanitation standards throughout their production process and is a facility that is inspected by both the USDA and MDARD.  Also Harvest Kitchen will be shifting their focus and expanding their menu options during this critical time. They will be offering more freezable family-style meals and an immune support category of prepared meals.  We have worked closely with the executive chef, Magdiale, to continue to consult and advise as Harvest Kitchen works in close partnership with Tantre Farm’s seasonal produce list. All dietary needs can be accommodated as well.  Harvest Kitchen will also be reducing their delivery charges until the crisis passes, and they welcome any feedback and suggestions that will help them better serve you.  Please contact them at for more information or visit them at

4. GRASS-FED BEEF:  Just to let you know, if you are interested in frozen beef, we still have Tantre Farm pasture-raised beef available for sale, so please feel free to send us an email order.  In general, they will be sold in bulk or by the cut, since we have USDA slaughtered beef.  Please let us know if you would like the Beef Pricing Guide sent to you. Pick up can be arranged at the Food Hub or Tantre Farm, but by appointment only. Please email us with BULK BEEF in the Subject line to get specific details.

5.  “IMMUNE BOOSTER” MULTIFARM SHARE NEXT WEEK:  If you are still interested in receiving more local produce and local food artisan products after this share’s distribution, please watch for another email in the next few days, since we are planning to continue providing you with healthy products with easy pick up.  If you are stocked up for the week or uninterested for now, please look for Tantre Farm and our partners on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  Tantre produce will continue to be available at the People’s Food Coop, the Argus Farm Stops of AA, and Agricole Farm Stop in Chelsea  year-round, and eventually hopefully at the Chelsea and Ann Arbor Farmers Markets again this summer.  


“The Brinery’s” FENNEL LOVE SAUERKRAUT:    This dreamy romance between fronds and fruits has a perfectly balanced fennel bite.  This jar includes green cabbage, apples, carrots, golden beets, fennel, and sea salt.  The Brinery is a local foods business at the Washtenaw Food Hub, specializing in naturally fermented local vegetables and operated by long time Tantré farmer/alum (2001+), David Klingenberger.  Their products are available in many stores in the area, including Whole Foods, Plum Market, Arbor Farms, the Argus Farm Stops in Ann Arbor, and Agricole in Chelsea, etc.  For more information, please visit  
-How to use: use as a condiment with any dish, especially a perfect topping for tacos and other meat dishes, roasted vegetables, sandwiches, and salads.  
-How to store: Must be REFRIGERATED and will last up to 3 months or longer depending on how you like the flavor.

“Garden Works Farm’s” PEA or SUNFLOWER SHOOTS: Researchers have found that most microgreens can contain up to 40 times higher levels of vital nutrients than their mature counterparts.  They help to alkalize your body, support your immune system and ensure proper cell regeneration.  You will receive ¼ pound of pea shoots or sunflower shoots (which are extremely high in vitamins A & C and calcium) from Garden Works Organic Farm.  They are a certified organic 4.5 acre truck garden and greenhouse farm in Ann Arbor operating year-round with several types of heirloom vegetables, and wheatgrass, sunflower shoots and other microgreens available throughout the year.  Visit Rob MacKercher at both Argus Farm Stops, Peoples Food Coop, and the Ann Arbor Farmers Market or contact for more information.
-How to use: use as a salad, blended with chopped radishes, turnips, and cabbage, excellent garnish as a soup, so yummy and tender!
-How to store: store in the refrigerator for up to a week.

“Goetz Family Farm’s RED RUSSIAN KALE:  these have a sweet, mild, cabbage flavor, but the stems are purple, and leaves are deep gray-green, purple-veined, flat, non-curled, and tooth-edged; highest protein content of all the cultivated vegetables; very high in calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, and good source of fiber and folic acid.  Goetz Farm is a 3-generation family farm in Riga, MI.  You can find their produce at both Argus Farm Stops, Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market, Downtown Farmington Farmer’s Market and Chelsea Farmer’s Market.  See for more information.
-How to use: for tender leaves perfect for salads, soups, light cooking.
-How to store: keep in plastic bag or damp towel in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

“Goetz Family Farm’s LETTUCE: a leafy, herbaceous annual grown mostly for salad greens, but especially delicious at this time of year, since it is hoop house grown; rich in calcium, iron, and vitamins A and C
How to use: raw in salads, sandwiches, or use in soups.
How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for 3-5 days.

“Goetz Family Farm’s SWISS CHARD: close relative of garden beets; multi-colored, large veined, semi-crinkly, dark green leaves; mild flavor with slight sweetness at this time of year, since it is hoop house grown; good source of vitamins A, E, and C, as well as iron and calcium.
How to use: greens can be prepared like spinach, and stalks like asparagus; good steamed, sauteed, stir-fried, and in soups.
-How to store: wrap in damp cloth in a plastic bag and refrigerate for up to 2-4 days.  

“Harvest Kitchen’s” BLACK BEAN STARTER BROTH: This Michigan black bean infused Vegetable Stock Starter Broth is perfect for simmering with Tantre Farm veggies for making a quick soup or light stew.  Rich in protein and lightly seasoned with fresh parsley, garlic, and a dash of cayenne pepper.  Harvest Kitchen ( produces their products in the kitchens at the Washtenaw Food Hub and sells at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market, Whole Foods, both Argus Farm Stops, and Agricole in Chelsea.  For more details about meal plans or gift ideas, contact Magdiale at
-How to use: good foundation for a light soup or stew
-How to store:  It will keep for 3-5 days in the fridge.

“Raterman Bread’s “ SOURDOUGH BREAD: This Original Sourdough bread is provided by Washtenaw Food Hub kitchen tenant, Nick Raterman of Raterman Bread, using non-GMO flour. The sourdough is a prebiotic and probiotic and is made fresh with no preservatives or additives by fermentation of dough with naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeast making it more nutritious and easier to digest. Other varieties and sizes are available at the Saturday Ann Arbor Farmers Market and Webster Farmers Market on Sundays.  You can reach Nick at or on Facebook @RatermanBread.
-How to use: roast it with chicken, good as toast or sandwiches, use as a bread bowl for soup, make homemade croutons or stuffing
-How to store: lasts for 4 to 5 days at room temperature

“Kapnick Orchard’s FUJI APPLES: crisp, pale-ivory to white flesh, crunchy and low in acid, sweet-tart flavor with notes of honey and citrus; originally crossed between a Red Delicious and an old Virginia Rails Genet apple; excellent source of vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system. Kapnick Orchards ( supply apples and other products year-round at their farm market in Britton, MI.  They can also be found at the Argus Farm Stops and Agricole Farm Stop, the Ann Arbor Farmers Market, the Saline indoor Farmers Market, and 3 winter markets in Canton. For more information email
-How to use: good for snacking, salads, and also baking
-How to store: can be stored for several months in the refrigerator

“Zingerman’s Creamery” CREAM CHEESE:  a fresh, soft mild-tasting cheese with a slightly grassy tartness and smooth, soft texture made using old-world techniques with local milk.  Zingerman’s Creamery specializes in making cow’s and goat’s milk cheeses, gelato, and sorbets, and are located at the Cheese Shop on the South Side of Ann Arbor.  For more information you can go to their website at or call them at 734-929-0500.
-How to use: good on bagels, crepe fillings, dips, frostings, soups, etc
-How to store: refrigerate for up to 1 or 2 weeks

“Ginger Deli’s” SWEET/SOUR KOHLRABI SALAD: This salad is 100% vegan and gluten free.  It can also be nut-free, if you choose not to add the crushed peanuts and dried shallot cup.   This salad is featuring Tantre Farm’s shredded kohlrabi, carrot, daikon radish, and a pickled Tantre watermelon-radish rose, along with a green papaya and a dash of cilantro, mint, and mango with a dressing in a separate cup of water, lime, honey, garlic, chili flakes, rock sugar, and vinegar.  This salad is created by Ginger Deli (, a tenant at the Washtenaw Food Hub producing Vietnamese cuisine that packs colorful flavors with a dash of style. Usually found with prepared sandwiches, pho soup, etc. at University of Michigan hospital and Argus Farm Stops in Ann Arbor, and Agricole in Chelsea.
-How to use: when ready to use, take dressing out of cup and toss with shredded vegetables and top with cup of nuts and shallots
-How to store: in refrigerator for 3 days

CARROTS:  You will receive 2 kinds of carrots in a plastic bag.  Chantenay (orange root that is shorter than some, but have greater girth with broad shoulders and taper towards a blunt, rounded tip; most commonly diced for use in canned or prepared foods) and Napoli (a specialized orange variety with a sweet taste; 7” roots are cylindrical, smooth, and blunt with edible, green leaves).
-How to use:  Can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sautéed, in stews, soups, casseroles, stir-fries
-How to store:   Refrigerate dry and unwashed roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks; stores best in near freezing conditions around 32 degrees and 95% humidity.

POTATOES:  You will receive a net bag of 4 varieties of potatoes including Adirondack Blue (round to oblong, slightly flattened tubers have glistening blue skin enclosing deep blue flesh; moist, flavorful flesh is superb for mashing or salads; very high in antioxidants!), Kerr’s Pink (very pale skin and cream flesh; mealy, cooked texture, so makes a good specialty/salad potato variety; good roasted, mashed, or in salads), Mountain Rose (rosy-skinned inside and out, these versatile, all-purpose spuds are deliciously moist, but not waxy textured. Excellent baked, mashed or fried), and  Yukon Gold (yellowish brown skin with yellow dry flesh and pink eyes; long storage and good tasting; perfect baked, boiled, mashed or fried).
-How to store:   keep unwashed in cool, dark place in paper bag or breathable container; ideal temperature is 38-48 degrees with high humidity (80-90%).  A basement or very cool closet will work.  If too warm or stored with onions or apples, they will shrivel and sprout.

DAIKON RADISH (White Korean): This daikon will be in a mixed net bag with Watermelon Radish.  It looks like an overgrown white carrot, similar to a Daikon Radish, but blunt-tipped on end, with a lightly mild radish taste.
-How to use: chop or slice into small pieces and saute with olive, salt, and a sprinkle of turmeric; can be eaten fresh, cooked, or pickled; greens are also edible and can be used like any tender green.
-How to store:  not as hardy as you may think, so store wrapped in plastic to keep them crisp for up to a week.This looks like an overgrown purple carrot with internal color ranging from pale purple to white with purple streaks; good, sweet, eating quality, and will be bagged with the beets.

WATERMELON RADISH:  This radish variety will be in a mixed net bag with Daikon Radish; this heirloom Chinese variety is a large, 2-4”, round radishes with unique dark magenta/pink flesh and light green/white skin along with a sweet, delicious taste.
-How to use:  soups, stews, steamed, roasted, eaten raw in salads, pickled, excellent julienned and tossed with your favorite dressing.
-How to store: Store dry and unwashed in plastic bag in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks; can last for 2-4 months if stored in cold, moist conditions like beets.

**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar” with the word “recipes” at the end, and many recipe ideas will pop up.  Have fun searching!

TANTRÉ FARM SLAW (A simple, easy salad!) Serves 4.
2 medium beets, grated
1 small kohlrabi
3 orange carrots, grated
1 daikon radish, grated
1 watermelon radish, grated
sesame or sunflower seeds, toasted
olive oil or toasted sesame oil
lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
Grate vegetables into a bowl.  Toast sesame or sunflower seeds.  Add when cooled.  Add olive oil and lemon juice as a salad dressing to suit your taste.  Be careful of too much liquid.  The tartness of the lemon should be prominent.  Any combination of root vegetables can be used.  Serve immediately or add some Brinery sauerkraut for an added zing along with some fresh pea or sunflower shoots!

1 lb. Baby Carrots
1 /2 stick unsalted butter
Salt to taste
In a non-stick large skillet, on low to medium heat, melt enough butter to generously cover the whole surface of the pan.  When the butter is melted, add immediately the carrots in the pan and let cook, uncovered, stirring frequently until the carrots are soft and slightly brown.  Adjust with some salt and pepper and serve hot as appetizer or as side dish for white and light meat or fish.  Add a zing with a little Brinery’s sauerkraut.

FRESH CARROT JUICE (from Simple Food for the Good Life by Helen Nearing)
1 lb Carrots
1/2 lb Apples
2 beets, sliced and peeled
Core the apples, but do not peel.  Cut them in quarters.  Put carrots, apples and beets through juicer or blender.  Chill and serve.

1 package of Cream Cheese at room temperature
1 cup Greek yogurt plain
1/3 cup maple syrup
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
chopped dark chocolate and chopped nuts optional
Apples to dip
Combine the cream cheese, yogurt, maple syrup, and vanilla until well combined. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to let flavors combine together. 
Before serving, top chocolate and nuts if desired. Serve with apples, crackers, pretzels, and assorted fruit. 

2 cups packed almond meal or almond flour (10 ounces)
1 1/2 cups old-fashioned oats (certified gluten free if necessary)
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
Optional mix-ins: 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (I used pecans), or raisins or chocolate chips
1/2 cup honey or maple syrup
3 eggs
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 cup grated Apple (about 1 1/2 apples)
1 cup peeled and grated Carrots (about 3 carrots)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a 12-cup standard muffin tin with paper muffin cups (I didn’t because I have full faith in my muffin pan, but use them if you’re uncertain).  In a large bowl, combine the almond meal, oats, cinnamon, baking soda, salt, and optional mix-ins, if using.  In a separate bowl, whisk together the honey, eggs and butter. Whisk in the grated apple and carrots. Pour the mixture into the dry ingredients, mixing until just combined.  Spoon the batter into the muffin cups, filling each to the brim. Bake until the muffins are nicely browned on top and a knife inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean, 25 to 30 minutes. Allow muffins to cool completely before storing.  Store leftover muffins in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer. Add a dollop of Cream Cheese on top for a little extra protein.

2 cans of Cannellini Beans
4 cups vegetable stock (or 1 quart Harvest Kitchen Bean Stock)
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 Carrots
2 celery stalks
1 onion
1 lb Potatoes
1 red pepper
1 lemon
Handful Fresh thyme
1 bunch Swiss Chard and/or a bag of Red Russian Kale
1 Tbsp cumin
Dice the onion and celery (you can also add the leafy ends).  Clean the carrots, or scrape them and then cube.  On medium heat saute onions, celery and carrots with 1 tablespoon olive oil.  When they are cooking, dice the peppers add to the pot and cook while you roughly chop the chard and cut potatoes into edible slices or cubes.  When onions have become translucent and peppers a little softer add chard and potatoes.  Top with drained cannellini beans, 1 squeezed lemon (squeeze juice, and then quarter the lemon and cook with the soup) and a bunch of thyme. Add vegetable stock and cumin.   Bring to boil and simmer until the potatoes are soft.  Discard the lemons and serve warm.
Notes:  This soup also freezes really well so if you make a bigger batch you can have it as a pick me up for up to 3 months.  Delicious with Raterman’s bread or the Brinery’s sauerkraut!

GREENS AND VEGGIES POTAJE (from Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh To You” website)
1 cup parboiled Carrots
1 small onion, chopped
1 1/2 cups cubed, par-boiled Potatoes
1 cup chopped tomato
1/4 tsp cumin
1 bunch Swiss chard and/or a bag of Red Russian Kale, chopped
1 cup cooked Black Bean  
Salt and pepper to taste  
In a medium saucepan, combine carrots, potatoes and approximately 1 cup water.  Simmer on low heat for 30 min, or until a fork pierces easily.  Add onion, tomato and cumin, and simmer for an additional 10 minutes.  Add beans, collard leaves, salt and pepper and simmer for 5 minutes.  Serve over rice and with Kohlrabi Salad.

1/3 cup walnuts
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon walnut oil
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
5 cups Pea Shoots (3 1/2 ounces), cut crosswise into thirds
2 medium Watermelon Radishes (6 ounces), peeled and thinly sliced on a mandoline
1/2 Fuji apple—cored and thinly sliced on a mandoline
2 1/2 ounces feta cheese, crumbled (1/2 cup)
2 Tbsp. snipped chives
Preheat the oven to 350°. Spread the walnuts in a pie plate and toast for 8 minutes, until lightly golden and fragrant. Let cool, then coarsely chop.  Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk the cider vinegar with the mayonnaise, walnut oil and olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Add the pea shoots, radishes, apple, walnuts, feta cheese and chives and toss to coat. Serve right away.

1 bunch Swiss Chard, stems removed and coarsely chopped
½ lb Daikon and/or Watermelon Radishes, sliced
1 small onion sliced
2 cloves garlic minced
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 large eggs
Salt and pepper to taste
On medium heat, add oil, garlic, onion, and radishes to skillet. Cook until veggies are tender. Add Swiss chard to skillet, and toss to make sure that all ingredients are mixed. Cook until Swiss chard is tender and add salt/pepper to taste. Distribute evenly into small, serving bowls. In the same skillet, on medium heat, crack eggs (making sure not to disturb the yolk). Fry until the egg white is firm and the yolk is slightly set. Place each egg on top of each bowl and Enjoy! Add pea or sunflower shoots as garnish

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