This summer we will be creating a simpler box of mostly produce until next fall. Our typical Immune Booster boxes require a lot of extra coordination and time with other farmers and our many prepared food or artisan goods partners, and time is much more limited for us in the summer due to a very busy farming season!
Therefore, we would like to offer you a weekly produce box that mimics our regular Summer CSA box called the Tantre Farm Produce Box. We will post the menu on Mondays, so you know what’s in the box each week, but you may opt in or opt out each week. Sometimes we may have to make substitutions due to miscalculations or crop damage, etc., but we will stick to the menu as closely as possible, and let you know of changes that have occurred in our newsletter. Sign up will also end on Wed. at midnights, and you still will need to choose your pick up location at the Washtenaw Food Hub Market or the Chelsea Farmers Market on Saturdays. If needed, you also will still be able to supplement your share with extra prepared foods and artisan goods at both of our distribution locations at the Washtenaw Food Hub Market (soon to be known as the Sunflower Farm Market) in Ann Arbor and at the Chelsea Farmers Market as well.
We hope you enjoy this new version of the Immune Booster CSA for the summer. We still plan on bringing back our usual mix of produce and value-added products with the Immune Booster CSA boxes back in action in the fall and winter after our Summer and Fall CSA seasons are over. Please see our Menu below!
The TANTRE FARM PRODUCE BOX – WEEK 16 menu is now ready for $42 with pick up on Saturday, September 14, at the Washtenaw Food Hub Market (now called the SUNFLOWER FARM MARKET) OR the Chelsea Farmers Market. Registration is now open and closes by midnight on Wednesday, September 11. With each share you will receive an email on Friday with a Newsletter describing how to use and store each item along with recipe ideas on how to combine certain items. A link to all Pickup Protocols is on our website, so please pay attention to which pick up location that you choose. Please enjoy the following menu!
This Week’s “Tantre Farm Produce Box” Menu:
- Arugula from Tantre Farm
- Basil from Tantre Farm
- Yellow Beans from Tantre Farm
- Broccolini or Lacinato Kale from Tantre Farm
- Sweet Corn from Tantre Farm
- Wild Fire Lettuce Mix from Tantre Farm
- Red or Yellow Onions from Tantre Farm
- Green or Red Peppers from Tantre Farm
- Red Fingerling Potatoes from Tantre Farm
- Sunshine Kabocha or Delicata Squash from Tantre Farm
- Tomatoes from Tantre Farm
Pick up is every Saturday. Choose your pick up location:
- Washtenaw Food Hub (9 AM – 12 PM) 4175 Whitmore Lake Rd., Ann Arbor
Please come to the first building you will see with a round “sun window”. When you arrive at the distribution location, please park your car in any of the parking spaces in front of the porch under the sun window or across the parking lot from the porch. At this point, please come inside the farm market to pick up your share in the reach in coolers inside the market. Please remember to check off the contact person’s name on the Sign In List. You may unpack your box into your own carry containers or you may return the box the following week. You also may take some time to look around and find other items from the market such as eggs, maple syrup, honey, bread, oats, dried beans, sauerkraut, frozen meat, cheese, yogurt, etc. that you need for your household. - **SUMMER LOCATION: Chelsea Farmers Market (9 AM – 12 PM), 304 South Main St., Chelsea
The Chelsea Farmers Market is at the Palmer Commons. Look for the Tantré Farm sign. Introduce yourself to us at the market stall, and your name will be checked off on the Pick Up List. You may unpack your box into your own carry containers or you may return the box the following week. Please ask our staff for help if you need help loading your box. If you need curbside assistance, please let us know, since our farm staff or the market staff can help you.
*Please review the pick up protocol prior to your pick up date.
Payment Options:
Credit card payments using PayPal (online transaction with an online fee) are suggested. This helps streamline some very time-consuming data entry for our staff, since PayPal is set up with our registration system. Another option is that you may also pay with Check, Cash, or Venmo. Please note if you choose to use the COD option, you may bring a Check or Cash in a labeled envelope on Saturdays or make a Venmo payment to @Deb-Lentz ahead of time.
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