When did we start offering U-pick?
Why do we call it Honey Bee U-Pick?
Our Ann Arbor location which is at the corner of Scio Church and Zeeb Roads. It has been given many nicknames as we have tended the crops over the last year, but Honey Bee U-pick is the one that stuck as a tribute to the beautiful pollinators that inhabit the property and it’s many flowering plants!
What is the Address for Honey Bee U-pick?
This location is part of a larger property and does not have its own address. It can be located on GPS using 5700 Scio Church road. This is not an official address, however Google has created a listing for this location. Since the address doesn’t actually exist, we appreciate your help in updating this listing.
What are we doing with the Timber Frame Barn?
We appreciate the compliments and inquiries we have received regarding the barn under construction on the property. The timber frame barn is still under construction. We are not sure when it will be completed. The original plan for the structure was a market stand, we will see how everything goes.

Will we sell other produce?
We are currently selling watermelon and tomatoes at the Honey Bee U-pick site in addition to our prepicked raspberries which are available on a limited basis. In the future, we may offer additional produce from Tantre Farm. If you are interested in Tantre Farm produce you may want to visit the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wednesdays or Saturdays or the Chelsea Farmers Market on Saturdays. We also sell a limited amount of produce and other items on our Washtenaw Food Hub market table during distribution on Saturdays between 9 AM and 12 PM. It is the only drive through market table in Washtenaw county (that we know of). Otherwise, you may want to check out our Weekly Immune Booster CSA which features a selection of produce in addition to products and dishes from local businesses.
Do we use chemicals?
When you visit our U-pick patch, you will notice we recommend wearing closed toed shoes and pants. This is because although we do our best to keep them contained, we do have weeds growing among our raspberry plants. We want you to be safe and protected so please keep in mind that we do not spray any of our plants with chemicals!
Are we organic certified?
We are not certified organic. We do follow organic processes. This property is not eligible for organic certification for 3 years, we may pursue it at that time.
Why aren’t we open every day?
When the strawberry U-pick started, we had a yield beyond our wildest imagination! We had so many strawberries there was no way we could pick them fast enough. However, the raspberry yield has just picked up again in it’s fall flush and we are understaffed this year. We are open one week day and weekends in an attempt to meet the public’s needs. Please feel free to contact us about pre-ordering raspberries.
How long will we be offering U-pick Raspberries?
Currently we are offering U-pick daily, please check back regularly for updates. We cannot have a U-pick without berries. The raspberries are dictating our hours. We just re-opened on Wednesdays and will continue to be open 3 days a week (weekends and Wednesdays) from 8 AM – 5 PM as long as the berries are ripe!
Will we offer U-Pick Strawberries again?
Yes, we plan to offer Strawberry U-pick again next year.
Do we offer U-pick at our main farm in Chelsea?
No we are not offering U-pick at our farm in Chelsea. We do allow field trips and visits to the farm on CSA distribution days if you are interested in visiting the farm. Please contact us to arrange a visit to the farm.
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