Today June 22 will be the last day for Strawberry U-pick, but we will be open all day today for any of you who would like one last chance to get strawberries between 8 AM and 7 PM today. The late varieties of strawberries are still ripe and ready but picking is slowing down, since there are less and less green berries to ripen. The berry patch has continued to provide a bounty of ripe berries and interested strawberry pickers visited daily last week and were still pretty successful with buckets of picking, but it took longer to pick than a few weeks ago! The berries are also smaller at this time in the season, but they are packed with that optimum sweetness!
We will be closed on Sunday, June 23, and throughout the weekdays in July except we will continue to be open on Saturday mornings from 8 AM to 12 PM, and we will be open more often again when we announce that the raspberry season has begun sometime in August. We will always try to have some pre-picked berries available as much as we can on our produce stand on Saturdays. Our fall raspberries will start around the end of August and into September. Our farm stand with free range eggs and fresh produce will continue to be open on Saturdays from 8 AM – 12 PM until the end of October.
Please check back for updates and subscribe to our mailing list:
U-Pick Location Ann Arbor
Please note, our strawberry field is NOT located at Tantre Farm in Chelsea. Tantre Farm has developed a u-pick patch for the public in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Our new u-pick patch is contained within 160 acres on the corner of Scio Church and Zeeb Roads. Follow the painted signs to the Honey Bee U-pick patch, which is approximately at 5700 Scio Church Rd. when using GPS. You will see a newly constructed, timber frame barn when you enter the driveway in the middle of a field. Read about how Tantre Farm started using this property and how this land is being restored here. We will be providing updates regarding our patches ASAP. Please use the form at the bottom. add yourself to our mailing list. Please look for our Strawberry-shaped signs north of Scio Church Road.
Strawberry U-pick Prices – $6/Pound
Already Picked – $5/Pint (available on a first come, first serve basis)
**We accept Cash, Checks written to Tantre Farm, and Venmo. We don’t process credit cards except through PayPal, but then we have to pay the 3% PayPal fee. Thanks for your support!
Please park perpendicular to the driveway on both sides. Please do not angle park or parallel park in this area, since it will limit the traffic flow. Follow the directions of the strawberry attendant.
Notice to pickers:
**Although we enjoy all kinds of animals, please only bring pets on a leash to this site, and not in any of the buildings or fields where there is food. You can walk them around the parking areas or on any trails.
**Please dress for the weather: sun protection, rain coats, light clothing, maybe pants and closed toes shoes, since there are some weeds, especially nettles and thistles. We are not spraying chemical herbicides on our fields, and we are renovating old abandoned farm fields.
**Keep comfortable, so bring your own water, mosquito repellent, your own snacks and feel free to bring take-home containers.
**Please pick in the designated areas, since our attendant will direct you to the ripe berries.
**Please use the trash bins and recycle bins or bring your trash home.
**We will have a porta-potty available for use, but this site has no electricity and no running water.
**Your children should be with you at all times, and not climbing on any of the equipment.
About Our Strawberries

Honey Bee U-pick features about 3 acres of u-pick strawberries. These strawberries are expected to be ripe between now and the beginning of July. Our strawberry varieties include Galletta, Jewel, Early Glow, Honey Eye, Marcellus, and AC Valley Sunset. Our seeds are obtained from UC Davis in California and all of these varieties were chosen for their flavor and excellence for freezing and making jam.