Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter #13 Aug. 18-24, 2024


GREEN BEANS (Jade): long, slender, deep green, filet bean; tender and delicious
-How to use: raw in salads, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, etc.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

ORANGE CARROTS (Mokum): a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot”.
-How to use: can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sauteed, in stews, soups, casseroles, or stir-fries.
-How to store: refrigerate roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks

SWEET CORN (Montauk): small, fancy, bicolor kernels on 8” long ears with superior, sweet flavor
-How to use: ears of corn can be steamed in 1-2 inches of water for 6-10 minutes, or drop ears into boiling water (enough to cover) for 4-7 minutes; ears of corn can also be roasted unhusked in the oven or outside grill for about 20 minutes.
-How to store: refrigerate with husks on, and use as soon as possible to retain sweetness and flavor.

EGGPLANT: a plant of the family Solanaceae (also known as the nightshades); fruit is fleshy with a meaty texture that range in color from glossy black to pale lavender. You will receive Orient Express (dark purple Asian type with long, slender, glossy fruits, which are tender, delicately flavored, and quick cooking) OR Nadia (slender, purplish-black, glossy-like, bell-shaped fruit), OR Dancer (Light purple, Italian type, semi-cylindrical fruits are mid-sized, mild, and nonbitter).
-How to use: may be salted to remove bitterness from old fruit, but also makes it less watery and more absorbent, and can greatly enhance the taste and texture of your dish; can be baked, boiled, fried, grilled, or can be sliced into rounds for grilling or broiling, and cut into cubes for stews and stir-fries
-How to store: best fresh, but can be stored at room temperature or in refrigerator drawer for up to 1 week.

U-PICK FLOWERS (only available for picking on the farm): Every summer we plant a variety of flowers for drying or fresh bouquets. We welcome you to visit the farm to pick your flowers on any day of the week, but please contact us if it will be on other days besides our usual CSA distribution days of Wednesdays and Fridays, so we can make sure to be around to show you where to go and what to do. This week you can pick up to 10 stems per household. If you choose a dahlia, please only take 1 per bouquet. You may want to bring scissors or clippers and a vase/jar to keep your flowers fresh going home, but we will have clippers and donated yogurt containers to fill with water as well. Your bouquet is part of your share, although it is helpful when you make a small donation to pay for seeds and labor when you can. Extra bouquets cost $6/bunch this week.

LEEKS: green leaves with white to pale green stems.
Cooking tip: slit from top to bottom and wash thoroughly with root facing up to remove all of the dirt trapped between the leaf layers.
-How to use: white and lower part of greens can be cooked whole, chopped in slices and substituted for onions; delicious raw in salads or cooked in soups, quiches, casseroles, stews, stocks, or stir-fries.
-How to store: refrigerate unwashed for 2 weeks in plastic bag.

RED LETTUCE or LACINATO KALE: Wednesday members will receive New Red Fire (a red leaf lettuce with uniform, heavy heads of well-colored, frilly leaves) and Friday/Saturday members will receive Lacinato Kale (also called “dinosaur kale, tuscano, or black kale”; dark green, noncurled, blistered leaves, but heavily savoyed).
-How to use: for salads, soups, smoothies, and light cooking.
-How to store: keep in plastic bag or damp towel in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

GREEN BELL PEPPERS: large blocky cells with fruity, sweet flavor; excellent source of vitamin C, fair amount of vitamin A, and some calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin.
-How to use: eat raw for best nutrient retention; can be added to soups, stews, omelets, quiches, stir-fries, etc.; excellent stuffed.
-How to store: refrigerate unwashed in hydrator drawer for 1-2 weeks; can be easily frozen by washing, chopping, and placing in freezer bags; can also be dehydrated or dried.

RED THUMB FINGERLING POTATOES: small, oblong potatoes with smooth, ruby red skin and creamy pink flesh; have a firm texture, nutty, earthy flavor, and are high in nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, and dietary fiber
-How to use: good for roasting, potato salads, and pair well with fresh herbs, garlic, and olive oil
-How to store: keep unwashed in a dark space or a paper bag

TOMATOES: You will receive any of the following: *Sun Gold Cherry (exceptionally sweet, bright tangerine-orange cherry tomato; less acidic than the red cherry tomato. *NOTE: Our sungolds seem to be splitting very easily due to recent fluctuations in moisture & temperature this week, so despite our efforts to put in perfect ones, you may need to separate out less satisfactory ones, but still can be used when split), Cherry Bomb (vivid red fruits of cherry size; firm, sweet, and well-balanced), Cherry Mix (may include a colorful variety of Sungold, Sungreen, Sakura, Indigo Cherry), New Girl (medium-size fruits offer an ideal size for slicing onto sandwiches or cutting up into salads), AND Heirloom Tomato –Brandywine (large, heirloom, beefsteak tomato–often over 1 lb–with a deep pink skin and smooth red flesh).
-How to use: sauté, bake, broil, or grill; eat raw in salads or add to soups, stews, or sauces.
-How to store: keep at room temperature for up to 1 week.

RED WATERMELON (Mini Love): sweet and firm, oval-round fruits and distinctive, bright green rind with dark green stripes and dense, bright red flesh.
-How to use: slice, dice and serve as drinks, salads, or salsa.
-How to store: if melon seems not quite ripe, store at room temperature until sweet smell is coming from the soft, stem end; then store in the refrigerator.


1. FAMILY FARM HIKE on FRIDAY, Aug. 23 from 5 to 6 PM: Come join us for a guided monthly exploratory walk around Tantre Farm with CSA member, Alisse Portnoy, who teaches at the University of Michigan. She and her daughter, Jessica, are in their 15th year of once-a-week, long visits to the farm. They look forward to having you taste different tomatoes and other veggies and herbs, exploring the mysteries of the mushroom forest, and feeding the cows, chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigs. We’ll use all our senses as we take an approx. 45-60 minute hike. We will also fire up the earth oven to enjoy some roasted corn and other roasted veggies from the tour around 6 PM, if you’d like to meet us at that time! Meet at the picnic tables behind the Main House.

2. TOMATO PRESERVING WORKSHOP at Tantre Farm on Sunday, Sept. 1 from 1 to 4 PM: Dr. Kristen Uthus (Tantré Farm worker–2002) runs a family-owned orchid business in Manchester, Michigan called New World Orchids (https://newworldorchids.com/). She also is a long time home preserver and winner of awards at local fairs. She will teach mostly how to can tomatoes, but also some information will be about dehydrating and freezing them. There will be active participation and “take-home” samples for those attending. Plan on bringing a Quart Size Canning Jar. Please register by email with Subject Line as TOMATO WORKSHOP and add your Name, Phone Number, and E-mail Address in the body of the email to us. There will be a small $5 fee for materials, and $1 extra if you don’t bring a canning jar. Bulk tomatoes will be available for you to buy. This is a great time for canning, freezing, or dehydrating!

3. U-PICK TOMATOES AVAILABLE for $0.50/lb: THIS WEEK we have heirloom slicers (excellent for freezing, salsa, gazpacho, & sauces), Verona (small plum tomato, good for sauce and dehydrating), and cherry tomatoes (good for soups, freezing, & dehydrating) available for those of you interested in u-pick for preserving, whether canning, freezing, or dehydrating. They are falling off the vines, since they are so productive right now, so come soon. Please feel free to come on Wed AND Fri during CSA distribution times. The u-pick sites will be listed on the map on the distribution shed wall and signs will be in place in the fields to show you where to go, but it is always helpful for a heads up that you are coming, so please email or give Deb a quick text at 734-385-6748. Please schedule the time on other days, so we can show you where to pick and what to do. THIS WEEK we also have about 80 pounds extra cherry tomatoes that we are giving away for FREE at the Farm this week, since we over harvested our cherry tomatoes a few days ago, so feel free to dehydrate, can, or freeze these tomatoes.

4. FARMERS MARKETS: If you need to supplement your share with a few extra items, we are set up at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wed. & Sat. this week starting at 7 AM. We will also be at the Chelsea Farmers Market from 8 AM-1 PM. On top of that, our Sunflower Farm Market (formerly known as the Washtenaw Food Hub Market) is OPEN on Wednesdays from 4 to 8 PM and on Saturdays as usual during our CSA pick up times from 9 AM-12 PM, so please feel free to purchase all your basic local needs and a few extra treats at any of these markets. We also have a small farm stand at the HoneyBee U-pick area (more details below).

5. CHELSEA FARMERS MARKET WILL CLOSE EARLY THIS COMING SAT. AUG. 24: Due to the Chelsea Fair Parade on Saturday at 1 PM, we will be packing up early at the market around 11 AM, since Chelsea will close Main St. around 12 or 12:30 PM due to the parade. Please come early to get your share box!

6. HONEYBEE U-PICK is OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAY MORNINGS: We are open this week from 8 AM until 12 PM on Saturday mornings at 5700 Scio Church Road on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. in Ann Arbor. You may purchase fresh Tantre produce and Elder Farm eggs. The raspberries are not very productive this season and the thistles have overtaken the patch, so it will not be a good year for preserving. However, we have mowed some paths through and there are a few raspberries ready for picking, so if you are a true raspberry lover then we recommend bringing pants, long sleeves, closed toe shoes, and just give it a try! Sign up to be on our mailing list, so you know times, prices, weather-related closings, etc. here: https://www.tantrefarm.com/honey-bee/


*Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)—7 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)

*MOVE Fitness & Wellness Studio (Wed)—8 AM to 9:30 AM (SARA there the whole time)

*Farm (Wed.)—10 AM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)

*Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –4 PM to 8 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share! STAFF there the whole time)

*Pure Pastures (Wed.) —9 AM to 11 AM (JESSICA there most of the time)

*Farm (Fri.)—2 PM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)

*Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Sat.) —7 AM to 12 PM (SHANNON there the whole time)

*Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—9 AM to 12 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)

*Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)—8 AM to 12 PM (DEB there the whole time)

*Argus-Packard (Sat) — 9 AM to 3 PM ( STAFF there the whole time)

*RoosRoast-Rosewood (Sat)–9 AM to 11 AM (LIZ there the whole time)

*HoneyBee U-pick (Sat)–8 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)

by Joel Heeres – 2001 Tantre Alumnus

 It’s not a loom for your heirs, as you might think. Heirloom fruit and vegetable varieties are hundreds and sometimes thousands of years old. Heirlooms differ in shape, color, size, flavor, and storability, but they all share one characteristic– their seeds can be saved one season to plant in the next. Heirloom varieties have been bred by local farmers and gardeners over many generations and have been established as stable varieties that grow “true to seed“. These varieties are special, because they have been adapted to certain climates over a long time.

 Heirloom vegetables are often more flavorful than hybrid vegetables. Hybrids are bred for high productivity, disease and pest resistance, drought resistance, and hardiness. While these traits are undeniably helpful, they often come at the cost of flavor. In addition, farmers cannot save seed from hybrid crops, as they are unstable crosses from two different varieties.

 In summary, heirloom crops are beneficial to small farmers and home gardeners, because their seeds can be saved to plant again. They have better flavor and are more unique than hybrids, although they can be less hardy and prone to diseases.

 At Tantré Farm, we grow both hybrid and heirloom crops. Some of the crops we grow from heirloom seeds are tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, winter squash, potatoes, onions, kale, beans, turnips, and radishes. Sometimes we will have some varieties of heirlooms only on the market tables, since we may not have a lot of them available. We’ll try to let you know when you are getting heirloom produce in your share box in the produce descriptions.

 Our heirloom tomatoes are phenomenal this year, so we encourage you to come u-pick some delicious varieties for some amazing flavors to can, make sauces, or even make fresh gazpacho. These tomatoes split very easily, but can easily be cut and cleaned to make a wide variety of flavorful dishes, such as tomato sauce, salsa (recipe below), or gazpacho (recipe below)! Please come to the farm and get some soon!


EIGHT GREAT WAYS TO SERVE SUMMER TOMATOES (Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh To You” website)
1. Cut tomatoes into wedges. Toss with finely chopped shallots, then splash with lemon juice and extra-virgin olive oil.
2. Cut tomatoes in half lengthwise. Remove center of each, and fill with a large basil leaf and a chunk of fresh mozzarella cheese. Drizzle with purchased garlic-infused oil, and wrap in foil. Roast on an outdoor grill for five minutes.
3. Cut tomatoes in wedges. Shower with grated Parmesan cheese. Top with fresh oregano and a drizzle of olive oil.
4. Cut tomatoes into chunks, and place in blender. Add a pinch of sea salt, a few fresh basil leaves and several ice cubes. Blend until smooth and frothy for a refreshing drink.
5. Cube tomatoes and firm ricotta salt or feta cheese. Toss with cooked orzo (rice-shaped pasta), fresh mint and a favorite vinaigrette.
6. For bruschetta, top grilled Italian bread with a mixture of chopped tomatoes, minced garlic, extra- virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
7. Toss arugula with chopped tomatoes, orange segments, basil and toasted pine nuts. Dress with olive oil, orange juice and a splash of wine vinegar.
8. Slather a thick slice of bread with good mayonnaise. Cover with thick slices of juicy tomatoes. Sprinkle with coarse salt and Szechuan pepper or some cracked mixed peppercorns. Add some fresh mozzarella cheese slices. Mmmmmm!!!

SALSA NANCITA (from Rolling Prairie Cookbook by Nancy O’Connor) Serves 6
5 medium tomatoes, peeled, seeded, finely chopped
1 sweet green pepper, minced
leek, minced
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
1 hot pepper, cored, seeded, minced
1/2 tsp ground cumin
3/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp honey or other sweetener
1-2 Tbsp fresh lime juice

Mix ingredients together well. Allow to sit for 1-2 hours before serving. .

GAZPACHO (from Moosewood Cookbook) Serves 6
4 cups cold tomato juice (could be pressed from fresh tomatoes)
1 tsp tarragon
1 small, well-minced onion or 1 leek
1 tsp basil
2 cups freshly diced tomatoes
1 tsp honey
1 cup minced green pepper
1 diced cucumber
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 scallions or 1 leek, chopped
Dash of ground cumin
2 Tbsp wine vinegar
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
2 Tbsp olive oil
Juice of 1/2 lemon and 1 lime
Salt and pepper, to taste
Dash of Tabasco sauce

Combine all ingredients, and chill for at least 2 hours. (This soup can be pureed, if desired.)

EGGPLANT TOMATO CHUTNEY (from Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh To You” website)
1 medium onion or 1 leek, chopped (about 1/2 cup)
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 medium eggplant, pared and cubed
1/2 tsp salt
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley
1/4 cup currants
2 Tbsp tarragon vinegar

Heat oil in 12-inch skillet over medium heat. Cook onion and garlic in oil about 2 minutes. Stir in eggplant and salt. Cook over medium heat 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add remaining ingredients. Cook 15 minutes longer, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are soft and no excess liquid remains. To microwave: place onion, garlic and oil in 3-quart microwavable casserole. Cover tightly and microwave on high 3 to 4 minutes or until onion is softened. Add eggplant and salt. Cover tightly and microwave 3 minutes. Add remaining ingredients. Cover tightly and microwave 3 to 5 minutes longer or until vegetables are soft. Let stand 5 minutes. Serve with slotted spoon. Great spooned over a main dish, served on crackers etc. Combine corn, beans, celery, onion, bell pepper, cilantro, chilies, garlic, and ginger root in large bowl. Wisk sesame oil with vinegar and lime juice in a small bowl. Toss with corn mixture. Season with salt. Chill.

WATERMELON LEMONADE WITH BERRIES (from Rolling Prairie Cookbook by Nancy O’Connor) Serves 2
2 cups seeded, cold watermelon chunks
1/2 cup frozen raspberries or strawberries
1/2 cup chilled lemonade
1-2 Tbsp sugar or honey (to taste)
8-10 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in a blender until well-blended. Pour into large, frosty mugs.

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter #12 Aug. 11-17, 2024


GREEN BEANS (Jade): long, slender, deep green, filet bean; tender and delicious
-How to use: raw in salads, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, etc.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

ORANGE CARROTS (Mokum): a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot”.
-How to use: can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sautéed, in stews, soups, casseroles, or stir-fries.
-How to store: refrigerate roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks

SWEET CORN (Montauk): small, fancy, bicolor kernels on 8” long ears with superior, sweet flavor
-How to use: ears of corn can be steamed in 1-2 inches of water for 6-10 minutes, or drop ears into boiling water (enough to cover) for 4-7 minutes; ears of corn can also be roasted unhusked in the oven or outside grill for about 20 minutes.
-How to store: refrigerate with husks on, and use as soon as possible to retain sweetness and flavor.

EGGPLANT (Orient Express):  a plant of the family Solanaceae (also known as the nightshades); fruit is fleshy with a meaty texture that range in color from glossy black to pale lavender. You will receive Orient Express (dark purple Asian type with long, slender, glossy fruits, which are tender, delicately flavored, and quick cooking).
-How to use: may be salted to remove bitterness from old fruit, but also makes it less watery and more absorbent, and can greatly enhance the taste and texture of your dish; can be baked, boiled, fried, grilled, or can be sliced into rounds for grilling or broiling, and cut into cubes for stews and stir-fries
-How to store: best fresh, but can be stored at room temperature or in refrigerator drawer for up to 1 week.

GARLIC: a bulb of several papery white cloves; believed to help in fighting infections, cancer prevention, bolstering the immune system, lowering blood pressure and preventing heart disease.
*Cooking tips: to mellow garlic’s strong flavor opt for longer cooking; to enjoy its more pungent flavors and increased medicinal benefit, use it raw or with minimal cooking.
-How to use: minced raw in salad dressings, sauté, & added to stir-fries, meats, vegetables; try roasting garlic by cutting off tops of garlic bulb, so cloves are exposed, brush with olive oil and bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees, squeeze garlic out of skins and spread on a good, crusty bread.
-How to store: can be stored in an open, breathable basket in a cool, dark place for many months.

U-PICK FLOWERS (only available for picking on the farm): Every summer we plant a variety of flowers for drying or fresh bouquets. We welcome you to visit the farm to pick your flowers on any day of the week, but please contact us if it will be on other days besides our usual CSA distribution days of Wednesdays and Fridays, so we can make sure to be around to show you where to go and what to do. This week you can pick up to 10 stems per household. If you choose a dahlia, please only take 1 per bouquet. You may want to bring scissors or clippers and a vase/jar to keep your flowers fresh going home, but we will have clippers and donated yogurt containers to fill with water as well. Your bouquet is part of your share, although it is helpful when you make a small donation to pay for seeds and labor when you can. Extra bouquets cost $6/bunch this week.

KALE OR COLLARDS: You will receive either Lacinato Kale (dark green, noncurled, blistered leaves, but heavily savoyed) OR Collards (dark-green, flat, large leaf; may be substituted for kale or other hearty greens recipes; use large leaf rolled up as a wrap and stuff with vegetables or hummus). These have a sweet, mild, cabbage flavor and are interchangeable with broccoli, mustard greens, and other hearty greens in recipes; rich source of phytochemicals, which studies have shown can ward off various forms of cancer; highest protein content of all the cultivated vegetables; very high in calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, and good source of fiber and folic acid.
-How to use: for salads, soups, and light cooking.
-How to store: keep in plastic bag or damp towel in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

RED LONG OF TROPEA ONIONS: specialty variety of tall, elongated, red bulbs traditionally grown in Mediterranean Italy and France.
-How to use: great for salads, soups, sandwiches, slices, and other dishes for flavor
-How to store: not for long storage; wrap in damp towel or plastic bag in fridge for 2-7 days.

GREEN BELL PEPPERS: large blocky cells with fruity, sweet flavor; excellent source of vitamin C, fair amount of vitamin A, and some calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin.
-How to use: eat raw for best nutrient retention; can be added to soups, stews, omelets, quiches, stir-fries, etc.; excellent stuffed.
-How to store: refrigerate unwashed in hydrator drawer for 1-2 weeks; can be easily frozen by washing, chopping, and placing in freezer bags; can also be dehydrated or dried.

NEW BLUE POTATOES: New potatoes are just young potatoes that haven’t had time to convert their sugar fully into starch and often have a crisp, waxy texture and thin, underdeveloped wispy skins. You will receive Adirondack Blue (round to oblong, slightly flattened tubers have glistening blue skin enclosing deep blue flesh; moist, flavorful flesh is superb for mashing or salads; very high in antioxidants!).
-How to use: excellent mashed, in salads, and roasted
-How to store: refrigerate new potatoes if not used within 2-3 days, but use up sometime during the 1st or 2nd week of receiving them; these potatoes have not been cured, so will not last as long as “cured” potatoes, which should not be refrigerated, since low temperatures convert the starch to sugars and may turn dark when cooked.

TOMATOES: You will receive any of the following: *Sun Gold Cherry (exceptionally sweet, bright tangerine-orange cherry tomato; less acidic than the red cherry tomato. *NOTE: Our sungolds seem to be splitting very easily due to recent fluctuations in moisture & temperature this week, so despite our efforts to put in perfect ones, you may need to separate out less satisfactory ones, but still can be used when split), Cherry Mix (may include a colorful variety of Sungold, Sungreen, Sakura, Indigo Cherry), AND Heirloom Tomato –Brandywine (large, heirloom, beefsteak tomato–often over 1 lb–with a deep pink skin and smooth red flesh).
-How to use: sauté, bake, broil, or grill; eat raw in salads or add to soups, stews, or sauces.
-How to store: keep at room temperature for up to 1 week.

YELLOW OR RED WATERMELON: You will receive either Sunshine Watermelon (oval-rounded fruit; green-striped shell with bright yellow flesh, which is brittle, juicy, and very sweet) OR Mini Love Watermelon (sweet and firm, oval-round fruits and distinctive, bright green rind with dark green stripes and dense, bright red flesh).
-How to use: slice, dice and serve as drinks, salads, or salsa.
-How to store: if melon seems not quite ripe, store at room temperature until sweet smell is coming from the soft, stem end; then store in the refrigerator.


1. FAMILY FARM HIKE on FRIDAY, Aug. 23 (Time TBA): Come join us for a guided monthly exploratory walk around Tantre Farm with CSA member, Alisse Portnoy, who teaches at the University of Michigan. She and her daughter, Jessica, are in their 15th year of once-a-week, long visits to the farm. They look forward to having you taste different tomatoes and other veggies and herbs, exploring the mysteries of the mushroom forest, and feeding the cows, chickens, ducks, turkeys, and pigs. We’ll use all our senses as we take an approx. 45-60 minute hike. Stay tuned for other fun activities included in this hike! Meet at the picnic tables behind the Main House.

2. WANTED: TOMATO PICKERS!! Is there anyone interested in helping us pick tomatoes any weekday morning for the next few weeks, but especially on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday mornings anytime between 7 AM and 11 AM. We will even feed you a homemade, farm-cooked lunch. We are a little short-handed, so please contact us.

3. YOGURT QUARTS, PLASTIC OR PAPER “GROCERY BAGS ONLY” ARE NEEDED:  We are running low on these, so please  donate some at any CSA Distribution Location.  Thank you!

4. FARMERS MARKETS: If you need to supplement your share with a few extra items, we are set up at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wed. & Sat. this week starting at 7 AM. We will also be at the Chelsea Farmers Market from 8 AM-1 PM. On top of that, our Sunflower Farm Market (formerly known as the Washtenaw Food Hub Market) is OPEN on Wednesdays from 4 to 8 PM and on Saturdays as usual during our CSA pick up times from 9 AM-12 PM, so please feel free to purchase all your basic local needs and a few extra treats at any of these markets. We also have a small farm stand at the HoneyBee U-pick area (more details below).

5. HONEYBEE U-PICK is OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAY MORNINGS: We are open this week from 8 AM until 12 PM on Saturday mornings at 5700 Scio Church Road on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. in Ann Arbor. You may purchase fresh Tantre produce and Elder Farm eggs. The raspberries are not very productive this season and the thistles have overtaken the patch, so it will not be a good year for preserving. However, we have mowed some paths through and there are a few raspberries ready for picking, so if you are a true raspberry lover then we recommend bringing pants, long sleeves, closed toe shoes, and just give it a try! Sign up to be on our mailing list, so you know times, prices, weather-related closings, etc. here: https://www.tantrefarm.com/honey-bee/

*Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)—7 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)
*MOVE Fitness & Wellness Studio (Wed)—8 AM to 9:30 AM (SARA there the whole time)
*Farm (Wed.)—10 AM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –4 PM to 8 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share! STAFF there the whole time)
*Pure Pastures (Wed.) —9 AM to 11 AM (JESSICA there most of the time)
*Farm (Fri.)—2 PM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Sat.) —7 AM to 12 PM (SHANNON there the whole time)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—9 AM to 12 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)
*Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)—8 AM to 12 PM (DEB there the whole time)
*Argus-Packard (Sat) — 9 AM to 3 PM ( STAFF there the whole time)
*RoosRoast-Rosewood (Sat)–9 AM to 11 AM (LIZ there the whole time)
*HoneyBee U-pick (Sat)–8 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)

We are sure you’ve been waiting impatiently, as we have, for your first bite of corn, and it’s finally ready! Corn is often referred to as maize and is an ancient staple food of the Americas. Everything on the corn plant can be used: “husks” for Tamales, the “silk” for medicinal tea, the “kernels” for food, and the “stalks” for fodder. Corn contains a significant amount of vitamin A, B-complex, phosphorous and potassium along with vegetable protein.

As we introduce you to your first ear of Tantre corn, we would be remiss if we forgot about our yearly introductions to two fellow corn lovers: the European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) and the Corn Earworm (Heliothis zea), which you may have encountered already on other ecologically-grown or organic corn. We don’t treat our corn with pesticides, so you may find these corn pests enjoying the corn too, but just break off the damaged part and cook the rest of the ear.

The European corn borer has been a resident of the U.S. since the early 1900s. The larvae are grayish-pink caterpillars with dark heads and spots on the top of each segment about 1 inch long. They chew on leaves and tassels of corn, but especially favor the tasty insides of stalks and ears. It is not partial to corn though, since it has been recorded on 200 different plants, including beans, celery, beets, and potatoes.

Despite the fact that we hear much about the corn borer, the earworm is probably the worst pest of corn. It is said that American farmers grow two million acres of corn a year just to feed it. The color of the larvae varies from white to green and even red. They have four pairs of prolegs, are spined, and 1-1/2 inches long. These voracious eaters enter corn ears at the tip and work their way to the kernels.

If you are “lucky” enough to encounter one of these guests in your ear of corn this week, don’t throw the ear away, since you often can use most of the rest of the ear of corn. We are “pleased” to introduce you to these smaller relatives who share your taste for corn.

**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar” with the word “recipes” at the end, and many recipe ideas will pop up. Have fun searching!

GREEN BEAN AND ROASTED TOMATO SALAD (from Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh To You” website) Serves 2
tomatoes, each cut lengthwise into 4 slices
1/4 tsp (heaping) Dijon mustard
1/4 lb green beans, trimmed
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp fresh orange juice
1 tsp minced shallot
1/4 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 cup mixed salad greens (arugula, lettuce, kale etc.)
1/4 tsp freshly grated orange zest
Salt and pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 450 degrees and lightly grease a baking sheet. Arrange tomatoes in one layer on baking sheet and season with salt and pepper. Roast tomatoes in middle of oven 15 minutes, or until edges are browned, and cool. While tomatoes are roasting cook beans in salted boiling water 3 minutes, or until crisp-tender. In a colander drain beans and rinse under cold water until cool. Drain beans and pat dry. In a bowl whisk together juices, zest, mustard, oil, shallot, and salt and pepper to taste. Arrange tomatoes, overlapping them, on 2 plates and mound mixed salad greens and beans on top. Drizzle salads with vinaigrette.

FARM CHEESE STUFFED COLLARD ROLLS WITH CHERRY TOMATOES (from https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/vegetable-and-ricotta-stuffed-collard-rolls-with-tomato-sauce-11642)
For the sauce:
1 pt cherry tomatoes
garlic cloves, pressed or crushed
1/4 cup or more basil and/or parsley leaves, thinly sliced
1/4 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste

Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and place in large bowl. Add the garlic, basil and olive oil and stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Pour half of the sauce into a large baking dish.

For the rolls:
6-10-large collard leaves, washed well
1 cup farm cheese or ricotta cheese
1/4 lb whole-milk mozzarella, cut into 1/4-inch dice
1 large egg, beaten lightly
1/4 cup thinly sliced scallion (or sweet onion)

In a kettle of boiling water boil the collards for 10 minutes, or until they are crisp-tender, drain them, and refresh them in a large bowl of cold water. In another large bowl combine the ricotta, the mozzarella, the egg, the scallion, and salt and pepper to taste. Cut out the tough center rib and stem one third of the way up one of the collard leaves and pat the leaf dry. Mound 2 heaping tablespoons of the cheese mixture at the top end of the leaf and roll up the leaf, tucking in the ends to form a roll. Make rolls with the remaining collard leaves and cheese mixture in the same manner. Arrange the rolls in one layer on the sauce in the baking dish and cover with the remaining sauce. Bake the rolls, covered, in the middle of a preheated 375 degree oven for 45-50 minutes, or until the sauce is bubbling and the rolls are cooked through.

ARROZ CON MAIZ, JAMON, Y COL (RICE WITH CORN, HAM, AND CABBAGE) (from Memories of a Cuban Kitchen by Mary Urrutia Randelman) Serves 8
1/4 lb slab bacon, rind removed and cut into 1/4-inch dice
1/4 cup pure Spanish olive oil (Italian is also ok)
1/4 lb ham steak, cut into 1/2-inch dice
1 medium size onion, finely chopped
green bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 cup chopped tomatoes or prepared tomato sauce
1/2 cup dry sherry
1/4 cup finely chopped drained pimientos
2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/4 tsp powdered saffron or 3-4 saffron threads crushed
2 cups raw long rain white rice
3 cups water
1 1/2 cups fresh corn kernels
1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped green cabbage (or substitute collards or kale)

 In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, cook the bacon, stirring, until some of the fat is rendered, 2-3 minutes, then add the oil and ham and cook 2-3 minutes, stirring. Reduce the heat to low, add the onion, bell pepper, and garlic, and cook, stirring, until the onion is tender, 6-8 minutes. Add the tomatoes, sherry, and pimientos and cook, stirring, 10 minutes. Raise the heat to high, add the remaining ingredients except the corn and cabbage, and cook, uncovered until all the liquid has been absorbed and small craters appear over the top of the rice, 15-20 minutes. Add the corn and cabbage, mix well, cover, and simmer over low heat, stirring several times with a fork to prevent sticking, until the rice is dry and fluffy, 10-15 minutes. Serve hot.
*Note: Step 1 (el sofrito) can be done up to 1 day ahead of time. Step 2 must be done just before eating as rice is best when it is served hot and fresh. If prepared without meat, then this dish can be served with a fried egg on top (Cuban style).

COUSCOUS WITH TOMATO EGGPLANT SAUCE (from Farm-Fresh Recipes by Janet Majure) Serves 6
1 medium onion, chopped
1 tsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
eggplant, skin on, diced
green pepper, cut julienne
2 cups chopped fresh tomatoes
Salt and black pepper, to taste
1/4 tsp paprika
1 Tbsp fresh basil
1/4 cup minced fresh parsley
1 cup water
1 lb couscous

Cook onion until golden in olive oil in skillet over medium-high heat, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic and cook about 1 minute. Add eggplant and green pepper; cook and stir 10 minutes. Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, paprika, herbs, and water; stir. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer 30 minutes, stirring often. Mash eggplant, then cook 30 minutes more. Cook couscous according to package directions. Serve sauce over hot couscous.

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter #11 Aug. 4-10, 2024


ARUGULA or SPICY GREENS: You will receive either Arugula (known as “wild rocket” with more deeply lobed leaves and a more pungent flavor; an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor) OR Spicy Greens (gourmet-quality, peppery greens for quick cooking or a salad; includes Kale, Tatsoi, Hon Tsai Tai, Green and Red Mustard).
-How to use: add to salads, soups, and sautéed vegetable dishes
-How to store: very perishable, so use up quickly; store in plastic bag with a paper towel in refrigerator for up to 5 days.

GREEN BEANS (Jade): long, slender, deep green, filet bean; tender and delicious
-How to use: raw in salads, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, etc.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

RED ACE BEETS: round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall; no greens this week.
-How to use: roots good in soups, stews, roasted, boiled, steamed, excellent grated raw into salads or baked goods.
-How to store: separate roots from leaves and store unwashed in plastic bags in hydrator drawer of refrigerator for up to 2 weeks; store greens wrapped in damp cloth in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

ORANGE CARROTS (Mokum): a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot”.
-How to use: can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sautéed, in stews, soups, casseroles, or stir-fries.
-How to store: refrigerate roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks

KALE (Green Curly): well-ruffled, curly green leaves on green stems; this variety makes a good, roasted “kale chip”; have a sweet, mild, cabbage flavor and are interchangeable with broccoli, mustard greens, and other hearty greens in recipes; rich source of phytochemicals, which studies have shown can ward off various forms of cancer; highest protein content of all the cultivated vegetables; very high in calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, and good source of fiber and folic acid.
-How to use: for salads, soups, and light cooking.
-How to store: keep in plastic bag or damp towel in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

LETTUCE: You will receive either Red Cherokee (a red Summer Crisp with medium-sized, red heads with thick, crisp leaves that have dark red color with good flavor) OR Romaine (upright, dense heads produce long, uniform hearts with good flavor).
-How to use: raw in salads or (believe it or not!) use in soups.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for 3-5 days.

BULB ONIONS: You will receive either Ailsa Craig (a sweet, mild, yellow-skinned, heirloom onion) OR Red Long of Tropea (specialty variety of tall, elongated, red bulbs traditionally grown in Mediterranean Italy and France).
-How to use: great for salads, soups, sandwiches, slices, onion rings, and other dishes for flavor
-How to store: not for long storage; wrap in damp towel or plastic bag in fridge for 2-7 days. 

SHISHITO PEPPERS: sweet, mild, slender Japanese chiles about 2- to 4-inches with squarish end; known for their distinctive flavor profile, which is mildly sweet with a bit of heat, though about 1 in 10 may be spicier
-How to use: often used in stir-fried dishes, salads, or as a pickled condiment, but most commonly known as a delicious, healthy, roasted snack. See recipe below.
-How to store: for fresh peppers, store in refrigerator

NEW RED POTATOES (Red Norland): New potatoes are just young potatoes that haven’t had time to convert their sugar fully into starch and often have a crisp, waxy texture and thin, underdeveloped wispy skins. You will receive Red Norland (smooth, red skin and white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted).
-How to use: good boiled or pan-roasted, but particularly suited for potato salad, since they hold their shape well after being cut and cooked.
-How to store: refrigerate new potatoes if not used within 2-3 days, but use up sometime during the 1st or 2nd week of receiving them; these potatoes have not been cured, so will not last as long as “cured” potatoes, which should not be refrigerated, since low temperatures convert the starch to sugars and may turn dark when cooked.

TOMATOES: You will receive any of the following: *Sun Gold Cherry (exceptionally sweet, bright tangerine-orange cherry tomato; less acidic than the red cherry tomato. *NOTE: Our sungolds seem to be splitting very easily due to recent fluctuations in moisture & temperature this week, so despite our efforts to put in perfect ones, you may need to separate out less satisfactory ones, but still can be used when split), Cherry Mix (may include a colorful variety of Sungold, Sungreen, Sakura, Indigo Cherry), AND/OR Heirloom Tomato –Brandywine (large, heirloom, beefsteak tomato–often over 1 lb–with a deep pink skin and smooth red flesh).
-How to use: sauté, bake, broil, or grill; eat raw in salads or add to soups, stews, or sauces.
-How to store: keep at room temperature for up to 1 week.

SUNSHINE WATERMELON: 8-10 pounds oval-rounded fruit; green-striped shell with bright yellow flesh, which is brittle, juicy, and very sweet.
-How to use: slice, dice and serve as drinks, salads, or salsa.
-How to store: if melon seems not quite ripe, store at room temperature until sweet smell is coming from the soft, stem end; then store in the refrigerator.


1. HIRED HELP NEEDED: We are looking for additional help for the rest of the summer and into the fall. Some of our summer crew were students and they are heading back to school, so we are looking for part-time and full-time workers who are interested in getting their hands dirty and enjoy healthy, hearty, hard work. We provide home-cooked lunches every day with food from the farm. Room and board are available for full time work, and part time work is available as well for an hourly wage. Please email us or fill out an application from our website at https://www.tantrefarm.com/internships/

2. WANTED: TOMATO PICKERS!! Is there anyone interested in helping us pick tomatoes any weekday morning for the next few weeks, but especially on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings anytime between 7 AM and 11 AM. We will even feed you a homemade, farm-cooked lunch. We are a little short-handed, so please contact us.

3. WEEDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are interested in helping out–even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes before you pick up your box at the farm, come join us. Please contact us any day of the week or evenings until dark. Thank you!

4. FARMERS MARKETS: If you need to supplement your share with a few extra items, we are set up at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wed. & Sat. this week starting at 7 AM. We will also be at the Chelsea Farmers Market from 8 AM-1 PM. On top of that, our Sunflower Farm Market (formerly known as the Washtenaw Food Hub Market) is OPEN on Wednesdays from 4 to 8 PM and on Saturdays as usual during our CSA pick up times from 9 AM-12 PM, so please feel free to purchase all your basic local needs and a few extra treats at any of these markets. We also have a small farm stand at the HoneyBee U-pick area (more details below).

5. HONEYBEE U-PICK is OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAY MORNINGS: We are open this week from 8 AM until 12 PM on Saturday mornings at 5700 Scio Church Road on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. in Ann Arbor. You may purchase fresh Tantre produce and Elder Farm eggs. There may be a few raspberries beginning, but the thistles have overtaken the patch, so bring pants and long sleeves. Sign up to be on our mailing list, so you know times, prices, weather-related closings, etc. here: https://www.tantrefarm.com/honey-bee/

*Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)—7 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)
*MOVE Fitness & Wellness Studio (Wed)—8 AM to 9:30 AM (SARA there the whole time)
*Farm (Wed.)—10 AM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –4 PM to 8 PM (STAFF there the whole time)
*Pure Pastures (Wed.) —9 AM to 11 AM (JESSICA there most of the time)
*Farm (Fri.)—2 PM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Sat.) —7 AM to 12 PM (SHANNON there the whole time)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—9 AM to 12 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)
*Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)—8 AM to 12 PM (DEB there the whole time)
*Argus-Packard (Sat) — 9 AM to 3 PM ( STAFF there the whole time)
*RoosRoast-Rosewood (Sat)–9 AM to 11 AM (LIZ there the whole time)
*HoneyBee U-pick (Sat)–8 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)

**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar” with the word “recipes” at the end, and many recipe ideas will pop up. Have fun searching!

BLISTERED SHISHITO PEPPERS WITH SPICY SHISHITO SAUCE (https://peasandcrayons.com/blistered-shishito-peppers)
Blistered Shishito Peppers
8 oz shishito peppers
1 Tbsp avocado oil or extra-virgin olive oil
kosher salt or flaked salt, to taste
crushed red pepper flakes to taste (optional for some extra heat)

Spicy Shishito Sauce (*To make this fiery dipping sauce, blend the above ingredients into a smooth sauce using an immersion blender or a small food processor. For a spicier sauce, add extra cayenne. You could even add a little sriracha or chili garlic sauce to the mix for both heat and flavor.)
2 Tbsp tahini
1.5 Tbsp low-sodium soy sauce
1 tsp seasoned rice vinegar
1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
1 tsp paprika (sweet/regular)
¼-½ tsp ground cayenne pepper
⅛ tsp sea salt or to taste

Wash peppers then rub/pat dry with a paper towel or clean kitchen towel to remove any moisture. We want them nice and dry. Heat oil in large cast iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add peppers and stir to coat them in the oil. I like using my cast iron skillet here. Cook until they begin to blister on multiple sides, mixing around occasionally (every minute or so) for even blistering. They should be done in approx. 8-12 minutes and you’ll hear some sizzles and pops along the way. Cook to desired level of tenderness. Season with kosher salt (or flaked salt) and enjoy with Spicy Shishito Sauce above.

6 cups cubed watermelon (try freezing them first for a slushy)
1 1/2 cups brewed hibiscus tea  (cooled first)
juice of one lime
Optional!: 2 teaspoons of your favorite liquid sweetener (agave, maple, walnut, honey etc)

Throw all the ingredients into a high speed blender.  Makes about 4 drinks.  This is really good without sweetener!

POTATO ARUGULA SALAD (from Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh to You” website) Serves 4-6
1 1/2 lbs red potatoes cut into 3/4-inch cubes
1/4 tsp pepper
3 Tbsp white wine vinegar or regular vinegar
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp of fresh minced tarragon or thyme
1 bunch arugula (OR spicy greens), rinsed and chopped or torn
2 cloves minced garlic
1 pt of cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 tsp salt

Bring large pot of salted water to boil. Add cubed potatoes and cook until tender, about 12-15 minutes. In a bowl, mix next 5 ingredients until salt dissolves. Whisk in oil until it thickens. Drain potatoes, return to pot. Toss with dressing, tomatoes, and arugula. Serve at room temperature.

1 qt green beans, stems removed
carrots, sliced medium-thin
2 cups walnuts (halves or pieces – and feel free to substitute cashews or favorite nuts)
1 cup raisins (optional)
3 Tbsp cooking oil
2 Tbsp tamari
2 Tbsp maple syrup or barley malt or brown sugar etc.

Steam carrots 3 minutes, add beans and steam another 2-3 minutes, then place in pan (cast iron recommended) where oil is already hot. Sauté 3 minutes then make space in the center of the pan and add walnuts, then sweetener and tamari, then raisins if desired (it will already be fairly sweet). If you wished to be slightly more meticulous, you could combine nuts, raisins, sweetener, and tamari in a separate bowl and mix well before adding to stir-fry. Stir-fry another 3-5 minutes and enjoy!

CURRIED GREENS AND POTATOES (from Eating Well is the Best Revenge by Marian Burros) Serves 2
1 lb (16 oz) new potatoes (tiny if possible, or cut in small chunks)
1 lb (16 oz) mixed greens (spicy greens, arugula, kale, romaine lettuce, beet greens, dandelion)
1 or more clove(s) of garlic
1/2 cup onion
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/4 (or less) teaspoon hot pepper flakes or cayenne pepper
2 cups crushed tomatoes

Scrub, but do not peel potatoes. Boil or steam for 17-20 minutes until tender. Trim tough stems from greens, wash well, tear or slice into small pieces. Mince garlic: use a 1/2 teaspoon of salt to help mincing. Heat oil in pan, add greens, onion, and garlic. When greens begin to soften, add spices and tomatoes, reduce heat and continue to cook. Drain potatoes and cut into bite size pieces. Add to the greens and continue to cook over low heat to blend flavors. Here is where you use all those dark green outer leaves like curly endive, frisee, escarole, kale, arugula, romaine, and other greens that are loaded with character.

Note: Choose any combination of greens and serve with crusty bread.

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter #10 July 28-Aug. 3, 2024


GREEN BEANS (Jade): long, slender, deep green, filet bean; tender and delicious
-How to use: raw in salads, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, etc.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

CARROTS (Mokum): a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot”.
-How to use: can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sauteed, in stews, soups, casseroles, or stir-fries.
-How to store: refrigerate roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks

KALE (Green Curly): well-ruffled, curly green leaves on green stems; this variety makes a good, roasted “kale chip”; have a sweet, mild, cabbage flavor and are interchangeable with broccoli, mustard greens, and other hearty greens in recipes; rich source of phytochemicals, which studies have shown can ward off various forms of cancer; highest protein content of all the cultivated vegetables; very high in calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, and good source of fiber and folic acid.
-How to use: for salads, soups, and light cooking.
-How to store: keep in plastic bag or damp towel in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

PURPLE KOHLRABI: delicious bulbous member of the cabbage family, that grows above ground; purple or green skin and crisp, apple-white flesh tubers and leaves are good sources of vitamins C and A, calcium, potassium, and fiber.
-How to use: good steamed and then mashed with potatoes, added to soups or stews, or delicious sliced and eaten raw with dip.
-How to store: store in refrigerator for up to a month.

LETTUCE: You will receive either Red Cherokee (a red Summer Crisp with medium-sized, red heads with thick, crisp leaves that have dark red color with good flavor) OR Romaine (upright, dense heads produce long, uniform hearts with good flavor).
-How to use: raw in salads or (believe it or not!) use in soups.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for 3-5 days.

BULB ONIONS: You will receive either Ailsa Craig (a sweet, mild, yellow-skinned, heirloom onion) OR Cipollini (a traditional Italian onion known for its flat, oval shape and delicately mild, sweet flavor; ranges in size from 1-3 inches; used for pickling and to season a wide variety of dishes and especially good grilled on a skewer) OR Red Long of Tropea (specialty variety of tall, elongated, red bulbs traditionally grown in Mediterranean Italy and France).
-How to use: can be grilled or roasted whole as a vegetable or chopped in salads, soups, and other dishes for flavor; greens can be chopped into a salad or chopped and put into freezer bags to add to soups or stock at a later time.
-How to store: wrap in damp towel or plastic bag in fridge for 2-7 days.

PARSLEY: You will receive either Italian Flatleaf (used primarily in cooking because of its more robust flavor; flat, glossy, dark green leaves have a strong parsley/celery flavor for use dried or fresh; high in vitamins A and C, and other minerals, such as iron; good for blot clotting and bone health; especially good in omelets, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, soups, pasta and vegetable dishes, as well as, sauces) OR Curly (a biennial herb with bright green, curly, and frilly leaves that are native to the Mediterranean; known for its culinary uses, health benefits, and vibrant appearance; used often as a garnish and in tabouli, but can be used exactly the same as Flat-leaf).
-How to store: store herbs upright with cut stems in 1 or 2 inches of water and refrigerate for up to 1 week or wrap in slightly dampened cloth or plastic bag and store in refrigerator.

RED CLAPP’S PEAR: one of the first fresh-eating pears of the season; very red fruit that is tear-drop shaped, sweet, fine-grained with creamy white flesh and ample juice; excellent raw, canned, and in preserves.  NOTE: We pick the fruit when it is still hard, so allow to ripen for a few days to soften.
-How to use: can be eaten raw, sliced in salads, hot cereals, yogurts, stuffings, sauces, or butters; can be prepared by juicing, baking, poaching or sautéing; coat slices with lemon juice to keep from darkening.
-How to store: ripening can occur either at room temperature or in the refrigerator; remove from refrigerator several days before eating; this variety of pear can store for 6 weeks in regular storage.

GREEN BELL PEPPERS: immature fruit of the bell pepper plant; blocky in shape, with three or four lobes, and have firm, thick walls with small seeds and a hollow interior with a grassy, slightly bitter flavor.
-How to use: eaten raw or added to soups, stews, omelets, quiches, stir-fries
-How to store: refrigerate unwashed in hydrator drawer for 1-2 weeks.

NEW RED POTATOES (Red Norland): New potatoes are just young potatoes that haven’t had time to convert their sugar fully into starch and often have a crisp, waxy texture and thin, underdeveloped wispy skins. You will receive Red Norland (smooth, red skin and white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted).
-How to use: good boiled or pan-roasted, but particularly suited for potato salad, since they hold their shape well after being cut and cooked.
-How to store: refrigerate new potatoes if not used within 2-3 days, but use up sometime during the 1st or 2nd week of receiving them; these potatoes have not been cured, so will not last as long as “cured” potatoes, which should not be refrigerated, since low temperatures convert the starch to sugars and may turn dark when cooked.

CHERRY TOMATOES: a small, round variety of tomato that are named for their resemblance to cherries; usually red, but can also be orange, yellow, green, purple, or black; prized by chefs for their sweet, herbal flavor and are often used in salads
-How to use: sauté, bake, broil, or grill; eat raw in salads or add to soups, stews, or sauces.
-How to store: keep at room temperature for up to 1 week.


1. HIRED HELP NEEDED: We are looking for additional help for the rest of the summer and into the fall. Some of our summer crew were students and they are heading back to school, so we are looking for part-time and full-time workers who are interested in getting their hands dirty and enjoy healthy, hearty, hard work. We provide home-cooked lunches every day with food from the farm. Room and board are available for full time work, and part time work is available as well for an hourly wage. Please email us or fill out an application from our website at https://www.tantrefarm.com/internships/

2. WANTED: TOMATO PICKERS!! Is there anyone interested in helping us pick tomatoes any weekday morning for the next few weeks, but especially on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings anytime between 7 AM and 11 AM. We will even feed you a homemade, farm-cooked lunch. We are a little short-handed, so please contact us.

3. WEEDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are interested in helping out–even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes before you pick up your box at the farm, come join us. Please contact us any day of the week or evenings until dark. Thank you!

4. FARMERS MARKETS: If you need to supplement your share with a few extra items, we are set up at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wed. & Sat. this week starting at 7 AM. We will also be at the Chelsea Farmers Market from 8 AM-1 PM. On top of that, our Sunflower Farm Market (formerly known as the Washtenaw Food Hub Market) is OPEN on Wednesdays from 4 to 8 PM and on Saturdays as usual during our CSA pick up times from 9 AM-12 PM, so please feel free to purchase all your basic local needs and a few extra treats at any of these markets. We also have a small farm stand at the HoneyBee U-pick area (more details below).

5. HONEYBEE U-PICK is OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAY MORNINGS: We are open this week from 8 AM until 12 PM on Saturday mornings at 5700 Scio Church Road on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. in Ann Arbor. You may purchase fresh Tantre produce and Elder Farm eggs. There may be a few raspberries beginning, but the thistles have overtaken the patch, so bring pants and long sleeves. Sign up to be on our mailing list, so you know times, prices, weather-related closings, etc. here: https://www.tantrefarm.com/honey-bee/

*Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)—7 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)
*MOVE Fitness & Wellness Studio (Wed)—8 AM to 9:30 AM (SARA there the whole time)
*Farm (Wed.)—10 AM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –4 PM to 8 PM (The new Sunflower Farm Market is CLOSED on June 26. NO STAFF available)
*Pure Pastures (Wed.) —9 AM to 11 AM (JESSICA there most of the time)
*Farm (Fri.)—2 PM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Sat.) —7 AM to 12 PM (SHANNON there the whole time)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—9 AM to 12 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)
*Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)—8 AM to 12 PM (DEB there the whole time)
*Argus-Packard (Sat) — 9 AM to 3 PM ( STAFF there the whole time)
*RoosRoast-Rosewood (Sat)–9 AM to 11 AM (LIZ there the whole time)
*HoneyBee U-pick (Sat)–8 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)

by Richard & Deb

The long days of summer begin in the dark, drinking coffee and discussing the areas on the farm that need weeding and new crops that need planting and harvesting. This time to connect and gather and to create a common understanding between the farm crew also is a time of spontaneous free association of other concerns and ideas. Then it’s off to the early, bird-chirping morning to engage in the practical activities of harvesting, digging, weeding, planting, etc.

After those few hours of work, we’re eating lunch together under the persimmon trees with maybe some vegetables and rice or some grass-fed beef dish for a brief gathering, while sipping the water from the well. After an hour break, it’s back out to the fields to finish up the harvest, plant seedlings, weed beds of cabbages for the fall, or pull the last remaining summer onions to dry for the coming season. Someone take a quick pear break or carrot munch for sustenance before moving on.

About 4 PM is quitting time after the last pears have been picked and put into the cooler, and the golden rays of the late afternoon become cooler. The trees provide abundant shade in the backyard as the sun declines, and the extracurricular activities have begun, which might include jogging, weightlifting, and burrito making for an evening meal. Someone else might be perusing the daily news on the Internet or reading books regarding topics such as poetry, human interest stories, and ecological relationships. 

Then finally the dim light begins to fade into darkness around 8:30 or 9 PM, and we find ourselves reclining and drifting off for the evening, while listening to the tree frogs, the crickets, the wind, and the maple leaves as they rustle outside the bedroom window. We live a simple life, while engaging our lives with other groups of people doing simple manual work. We take refuge in the community of health and love between people trying to find their way and creating a place they can call home. If anyone is looking for a healthy, simple lifestyle this fall, we are looking for full-time and part-time help this fall, so please contact us. 


**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar” with the word “recipes” at the end, and many recipe ideas will pop up. Have fun searching!

KOHLRABI VEGETABLE STEW (adapted from The Rolling Prairie Cookbook by Nancy O’Connor)
2-3 medium kohlrabi bulbs
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, cut in slivers
3 medium carrots, cut into 3/4-inch chunks
2 medium potatoes, cut into 3/4-inch chunks
1 cup peeled chopped tomatoes
4 cups vegetable broth
1 bay leaf
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp molasses

Peel bulbs and cut into large chunks. Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add onions and saute for several minutes. Add kohlrabi bulb chunks, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, broth, bay leaf, oregano, salt, pepper, molasses and mustard. Turn up heat to medium-high and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes, or until veggies are just cooked. 

KALE AND KOHLRABI SALAD (http://canolaeatwell.com/recipe/kohlrabi-and-kale-slaw)
2-4 cups kale, chopped
kohlrabi bulb, peeled and julienned
1/2 cup shredded carrots
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup toasted pecans
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/4 cup olive oil
salt and pepper

Combine kale, kohlrabi, carrots, dried cranberries and pecans in a large bowl. In a small bowl whisk together red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, honey, minced garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix dressing with salad until well coated. Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving.

FRESH PEAR CAKE (adapted from www.cooks.com)
3 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp soda
2 ripe pears
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 1/4 cups oil
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup nuts

Combine dry ingredients. Add chopped nuts. Add apples (or pears), peeled and finely chopped. Add eggs, sugar, oil and vanilla. Fold well. Bake in tube pan at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

TABBOULI (from The World in Your Kitchen) Serves 4-6
1/2 cup bulgur
A few lettuce leaves
4 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley, divided
2 Tbsp chopped fresh mint
onion, finely sliced
tomatoes, chopped
1 cucumber, chopped
4 Tbsp lemon juice
4 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste

Soak bulgur 20-30 minutes in cold water to cover. Drain well. Line a salad bowl with lettuce leaves and spoon in bulgur. Mix in 3 tablespoons of the parsley, mint, onion, and tomatoes. Whisk lemon juice with olive oil, salt and pepper; toss with salad. Sprinkle remaining tablespoon of parsley on top.

GREEN BEAN AND TOMATO SALAD (from www.grouprecipes.com) Serves 1-2
6 oz green beans, chopped into 1-inch pieces
3 Tbsp hummus
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp oregano
1 sprig parsley, minced
3 oz Romaine lettuce, shredded
1/2 pint cherry tomatoes, halved lengthwise
Fresh ground black pepper, to taste

Steam the bean pieces 4 minutes over boiling water. Set aside. In a small bowl, mix together hummus, lemon juice, oregano and parsley. Set aside. Place lettuce in a salad bowl. Top with tomato slices and warm, steamed beans. Season with pepper. Pour hummus mixture overtop of everything, toss lightly to coat. Serve immediately.

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter #9 July 21-27, 2024

RED ACE BEETS: round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall; no greens this week.
-How to use: greens can be substituted for spinach and chard in recipes; roots good in soups, stews, roasted, boiled, steamed, excellent grated raw into salads or baked goods.
-How to store: separate roots from leaves and store unwashed in plastic bags in hydrator drawer of refrigerator for up to 2 weeks; store greens wrapped in damp cloth in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

GREEN BEANS (Jade): long, slender, deep green, filet bean; tender and delicious
-How to use: raw in salads, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, etc.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

RED CABBAGE (Omero): midseason red with good flavor; heads are a vibrant red and are round to slightly oval; good, slightly sweet and peppery flavor.
-How to use: excellent for cooking or chopped raw into salads or coleslaw.
-How to store: refrigerate for up to 1 month

CARROTS (Mokum): a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot”.
-How to use: can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sauteed, in stews, soups, casseroles, or stir-fries.
-How to store: refrigerate roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks

SWEET CORN from Goetz Greenhouse and Family Farmcorn is often referred to as maize and is an ancient staple food of the Americas; everything on the corn plant can be used: “husks” for Tamales, the “silk” for medicinal tea, the “kernels” for food, and the “stalks” for fodder; contains a significant amount of vitamin A, B-complex, phosphorous and potassium along with vegetable protein. We are just giving you a taste of corn from our friends at Goetz Family Farm, since our corn is not quite ready, but coming very soon. Goetz Farm is a 3-generation family farm in Riga, MI. You can find their produce at both Argus Farm Stops, Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market, Downtown Farmington Farmer’s Market and Chelsea Farmer’s Market in the summer.
–How to use: ears of corn can be steamed in 1-2 inches of water for 6-10 minutes, or drop ears into boiling water (enough to cover) for 4-7 minutes; ears of corn can also be roasted unhusked in the oven or outside grill for about 20 minutes.
–How to store: refrigerate with husks on, and use as soon as possible to retain sweetness and flavor.

LEEKS (King Richard): green leaves with white to pale green stems.
Cooking tip: slit from top to bottom and wash thoroughly with root facing up to remove all of the dirt trapped between the leaf layers.
-How to use: white and lower part of greens can be cooked whole, chopped in slices and substituted for onions; delicious raw in salads or cooked in soups, quiches, casseroles, stews, stocks, or stir-fries.
-How to store: refrigerate unwashed for 2 weeks in plastic bag.

KALE (Green Curly): well-ruffled, curly green leaves on green stems; this variety makes a good, roasted “kale chip”; have a sweet, mild, cabbage flavor and are interchangeable with broccoli, mustard greens, and other hearty greens in recipes; rich source of phytochemicals, which studies have shown can ward off various forms of cancer; highest protein content of all the cultivated vegetables; very high in calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, and good source of fiber and folic acid.
-How to use: for salads, soups, and light cooking.
-How to store: keep in plastic bag or damp towel in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

YELLOW BULB ONIONS (Ailsa Craig): a sweet, mild, yellow-skinned, heirloom onion.
-How to use: can be grilled or roasted whole as a vegetable or chopped in salads, soups, and other dishes for flavor; greens can be chopped into a salad or chopped and put into freezer bags to add to soups or stock at a later time.
-How to store: wrap in damp towel or plastic bag in fridge for 2-7 days.

GREEN PEPPERS from Goetz Greenhouse and Family Farm: immature fruit of the bell pepper plant; blocky in shape, with three or four lobes, and have firm, thick walls with small seeds and a hollow interior with a grassy, slightly bitter flavor. Goetz Farm is a 3-generation family farm in Riga, MI. You can find their produce at both Argus Farm Stops, Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market, Downtown Farmington Farmer’s Market and Chelsea Farmer’s Market in the summer.
-How to use: eaten raw or added to soups, stews, omelets, quiches, stir-fries
-How to store: refrigerate unwashed in hydrator drawer for 1-2 weeks.

NEW RED POTATOES (Red Norland): New potatoes are just young potatoes that haven’t had time to convert their sugar fully into starch and often have a crisp, waxy texture and thin, underdeveloped wispy skins. You will receive Red Norland (smooth, red skin and white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted).
-How to use: good boiled or pan-roasted, but particularly suited for potato salad, since they hold their shape well after being cut and cooked.
-How to store: refrigerate new potatoes if not used within 2-3 days, but use up sometime during the 1st or 2nd week of receiving them; these potatoes have not been cured, so will not last as long as “cured” potatoes, which should not be refrigerated, since low temperatures convert the starch to sugars and may turn dark when cooked.


1. HIRED HELP NEEDED: We are looking for additional help for the rest of the summer and into the fall. Some of our summer crew were students and they are heading back to school, so we are looking for part-time and full-time workers who are interested in getting their hands dirty and enjoy healthy, hearty, hard work. We provide home-cooked lunches every day with food from the farm. Room and board are available for full time work, and part time work is available as well for an hourly wage. Please email us or fill out an application from our website at https://www.tantrefarm.com/internships/

2. WANTED: TOMATO PICKERS!! Is there anyone interested in helping us pick tomatoes any weekday morning for the next few weeks, but especially on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings anytime between 7 AM and 11 AM. We will even feed you a homemade, farm-cooked lunch. We are a little short-handed, so please contact us.

3. WEEDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are interested in helping out–even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes before you pick up your box at the farm, come join us. Please contact us any day of the week or evenings until dark. Thank you!

4. LOCAL FARMERS MARKETS: If you need to supplement your share with a few extra items, we are set up at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wed. & Sat. this week starting at 7 AM. We will also be at the Chelsea Farmers Market from 8 AM-1 PM. On top of that, our Sunflower Farm Market (formerly known as the Washtenaw Food Hub Market) is OPEN again on Wednesdays from 4 to 8 PM and on Saturdays as usual during our CSA pick up times from 9 AM-12 PM, so please feel free to purchase all your basic local needs and a few extra treats at any of these markets. We also have a small farm stand at the HoneyBee U-pick area (more details below).

5. CHELSEA FARMERS MARKET RELOCATED TO CHELSEA STATE BANK FOR JULY 27: We have been asked to move the Chelsea Saturday Farmers Market location on Saturday, July 27, to the Chelsea State Bank at the corner of Old US 12 and M-52 due to the Sounds and Sights Festival taking place over at Palmer Commons this weekend.  Just look for our Tantre Farm sign.  Reminder will be sent on Friday.

6. HONEYBEE U-PICK is now OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAY MORNINGS FOR JULY: We are open this week from 8 AM until 12 PM on Saturday mornings at 5700 Scio Church Road on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. in Ann Arbor. You may purchase fresh Tantre produce and Elder Farm eggs. There may be a few raspberries beginning, but the thistles have overtaken the patch, so bring pants and long sleeves. There also may be a little bit of blueberry picking, but the patch is pretty young still, so there may be not enough to pick. Other u-pick opportunities might be raspberries in August through September, and u-pick flowers from end of August through September. Sign up to be on our mailing list, so you know times, prices, weather-related closings, etc. here: https://www.tantrefarm.com/honey-bee/

*Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)—7 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)
*MOVE Fitness & Wellness Studio (Wed)—8 AM to 9:30 AM (SARA there the whole time)
*Farm (Wed.)—10 AM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –4 PM to 8 PM (STAFF there the whole time)
*Pure Pastures (Wed.) —9 AM to 11 AM (JESSICA there most of the time)
*Farm (Fri.)—2 PM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Sat.) —7 AM to 12 PM (SHANNON there the whole time)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—9 AM to 12 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)
*Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)—8 AM to 12 PM (DEB there the whole time)
*Argus-Packard (Sat) — 9 AM to 3 PM ( STAFF there the whole time)
*RoosRoast-Rosewood (Sat)–9 AM to 11 AM (LIZ there the whole time)
*HoneyBee U-pick (Sat)–8 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)


**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar” with the word “recipes” at the end, and many recipe ideas will pop up. Have fun searching!

ETHIOPIAN CABBAGE DISH (from http://m.allrecipes.com/recipe/152937/ethiopian-cabbage-dish) Serves 5
1/2 cup olive oil
carrots, thinly sliced
onion, thinly sliced
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/4 tsp ground turmeric
1/2 head cabbage, shredded
potatoes, cut into 1-inch cubes

Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Cook the carrots and onion in the hot oil about 5 minutes. Stir in the salt, pepper, cumin, turmeric, and cabbage and cook another 15-20 minutes. Add the potatoes; cover. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook until potatoes are soft, 20-30 minutes.

GRILLED CORN ON THE COB (from Good-for-You Garlic Cookbook)
4 ears of corn
2 tsp butter
1 tsp dried marjoram (or 1 tbsp fresh basil, minced)
3/4 tsp cayenne pepper
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1/2 tsp salt
Dash of paprika

Remove silk from corn, keeping husks intact. Soak corn in water for 20 minutes. Peel back husks to rub each ear of corn with 1/2 teaspoon butter. Then sprinkle with marjoram, cayenne, garlic, salt, and paprika. Pull husks up to cover corn and grill for 10-15 minutes, turning often.

ARROZ CON MAIZ, JAMON, Y COL (RICE WITH CORN, HAM, AND CABBAGE) (from Memories of a Cuban Kitchen by Mary Urrutia Randelman) Serves 8
1/4 lb slab bacon, rind removed and cut into 1/4-inch dice
1/4 cup pure Spanish olive oil (Italian is also ok)
1/4 lb ham steak, cut into 1/2-inch dice
1 medium size onion, finely chopped
1 small green bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 cup drained and chopped canned whole tomatoes or prepared tomato sauce
1/2 cup dry sherry
1/4 cup finely chopped drained pimientos
2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/4 tsp powdered saffron or 3-4 saffron threads crushed
2 cups raw long rain white rice
3 cups water
1 1/2 cups fresh corn kernels
1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped cabbage

In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, cook the bacon, stirring, until some of the fat is rendered, 2-3 minutes, then add the oil and ham and cook 2-3 minutes, stirring. Reduce the heat to low, add the onion, bell pepper, and garlic, and cook, stirring, until the onion is tender, 6-8 minutes. Add the tomatoes, sherry, and pimientos and cook, stirring, 10 minutes. Raise the heat to high, add the remaining ingredients except the corn and cabbage, and cook, uncovered until all the liquid has been absorbed and small craters appear over the top of the rice, 15-20 minutes. Add the corn and cabbage, mix well, cover, and simmer over low heat, stirring several times with a fork to prevent sticking, until the rice is dry and fluffy, 10-15 minutes. Serve hot.

*Note: Step 1 (el sofrito) can be done up to 1 day ahead of time. Step 2 must be done just before eating as rice is best when it is served hot and fresh. If prepared without meat, then this dish can be served with a fried egg on top (Cuban style).

KALE CHIPS WITH CHEESE (*vegan option with nutritional yeast)
1 bunch green curly kale
2 Tbsp Parmesan cheese or *nutritional yeast
1 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp coconut oil

Wash and dry kale leaves and place in bowl. Mix in lemon juice and coconut oil together massaging into kale leaves. Mix separately Parmesan cheese (or nutritional yeast), sea salt and garlic powder. Toss together with leaves. Place in dehydrator at 118 degrees for 12-18 hours or in oven at 350 degrees for 5-10 min. Can be stored in food safe container in cupboard (if they last that long)!

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter #8 July 14-20, 2024


ARUGULA: known as “wild rocket” with more deeply lobed leaves and a more pungent flavor; an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor.
-How to use: add to salads, soups, and sautéed vegetable dishes
-How to store: very perishable, so use up quickly; store in plastic bag with a paper towel in refrigerator for up to 5 days.

RED ACE BEETS: round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall; no greens this week.
-How to use: greens can be substituted for spinach and chard in recipes; roots good in soups, stews, roasted, boiled, steamed, excellent grated raw into salads or baked goods.
-How to store: separate roots from leaves and store unwashed in plastic bags in hydrator drawer of refrigerator for up to 2 weeks; store greens wrapped in damp cloth in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

GREEN BEANS (Jade): long, slender, deep green, filet bean; tender and delicious
-How to use: raw in salads, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, etc.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

GREEN CABBAGE OR KOHLRABI: You will receive either Kohlrabi (described below) OR Green Cabbage (a sweet green cabbage; considered a beneficial digestive aid and intestinal cleanser; cabbage has a good amount of vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium, and magnesium).
-How to use: good steamed, stir-fried, or chopped raw into salads or coleslaw.
-How to store: refrigerate for up to 1 month.

CARROTS (Mokum): a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot”.
-How to use: can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sautéed, in stews, soups, casseroles, or stir-fries.
-How to store: refrigerate roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks

FRESH GARLIC: a bulb of several papery white cloves; believed to help in fighting infections, cancer prevention, bolstering the immune system, lowering blood pressure and preventing heart disease, used as an expectorant or decongestant, and at least some people believe that it can ward off vampires and insects.
Cooking tips: to mellow garlic’s strong flavor opt for longer cooking; to enjoy its more pungent flavors and increased medicinal benefit, use it raw or with minimal cooking.
-How to use: minced raw in salad dressings, sautéed and added to stir-fries, meats, vegetables; make garlic butter with 1/2 cup of softened butter mashed with four minced cloves of garlic; try roasting garlic by cutting off tops of garlic bulb, so cloves are exposed, brush with olive oil and bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees, squeeze garlic out of skins and spread on a good, crusty bread.
-How to store: fresh garlic can be stored in an open, breathable container in a cool, dark place for many months; if cloves begin to get soft or moldy, break off bad clove and chop up others and pack into small jar filled with olive oil; then refrigerate (great gift idea!).

FRESH HERBS: You will be receiving fresh herbs off and on throughout the summer, since harvesting them often means they need a few weeks to recover before we harvest again. Here are a couple of links to help you know more about how to use fresh herbs: https://www.urbancultivator.net/cooking-with-fresh-herbs/. The following is a good link to help you identify your herb with images and descriptions: http://theherbexchange.com/25-best-herbs-to-grow-in-your-kitchen-garden/. You will receive either Mojito Mint (this mint has a green stem with large green, crinkly leaves and has a much milder flavor with hints of citrus, which make it good in salads, desserts, smoothies, and even your water bottle; great for muddling in cocktails; aids in digestion) OR Italian Flat-leaf Parsley (flat, glossy, dark green leaves have a strong parsley/celery flavor for use dried or fresh; high in vitamins A and C, and other minerals, such as iron; especially good in omelets, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, soups, pasta and vegetable dishes, as well as, sauces to go with fish, poultry, and pork).
-How to store: store herbs upright with cut stems in 1 or 2 inches of water and refrigerate for up to 1 week or wrap in slightly dampened cloth or plastic bag and store in refrigerator.

KALE (Lacinato): also called “dinosaur kale, tuscano, or black kale”; dark green, noncurled, blistered leaves, but heavily savoyed; have a sweet, mild, cabbage flavor and are interchangeable with broccoli, mustard greens, and other hearty greens in recipes; rich source of phytochemicals, which studies have shown can ward off various forms of cancer; highest protein content of all the cultivated vegetables; very high in calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, and good source of fiber and folic acid.
-How to use: for salads, soups, and light cooking.
-How to store: keep in plastic bag or damp towel in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

KOHLRABI or GREEN CABBAGE: You will receive either Cabbage (described above) OR Kohlrabi (delicious bulbous member of the cabbage family, that grows above ground; purple or green skin and crisp, apple-white flesh tubers and leaves are good sources of vitamins C and A, calcium, potassium, and fiber).
-How to use: good steamed and then mashed with potatoes, added to soups or stews, or delicious sliced and eaten raw with dip.
-How to store: store in refrigerator for up to a month.

YELLOW BULB ONIONS (Ailsa Craig): a sweet, mild, yellow-skinned, heirloom onion.
-How to use: can be grilled or roasted whole as a vegetable or chopped in salads, soups, and other dishes for flavor; greens can be chopped into a salad or chopped and put into freezer bags to add to soups or stock at a later time.
-How to store: wrap in damp towel or plastic bag in fridge for 2-7 days.

NEW RED POTATOES: New potatoes are just young potatoes that haven’t had time to convert their sugar fully into starch and often have a crisp, waxy texture and thin, underdeveloped wispy skins. You will receive Red Norland (smooth, red skin and white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted).
-How to use: good boiled or pan-roasted, but particularly suited for potato salad, since they hold their shape well after being cut and cooked.
-How to store: refrigerate new potatoes if not used within 2-3 days, but use up sometime during the 1st or 2nd week of receiving them; these potatoes have not been cured, so will not last as long as “cured” potatoes, which should not be refrigerated, since low temperatures convert the starch to sugars and may turn dark when cooked.

ZUCCHINI (Safari or Goldy): You will receive Safari (green zucchini with attractive white stripes) AND/OR Goldy (beautiful, bright golden cylindrical fruits).
-How to use: use in salads, dips, grilled, casseroles, stuffed, or mashed with butter and seasonings.
-How to store: store in plastic bag in refrigerator for up to 1 week.


1. SOLD OUT: FORAGE AND FEAST Cooking Class on Fri., July 26, from 4-7 PM: For those of you who have already registered, we will be having a gourmet meal with local foraging expert, Rachel Mifsud, from Will Forage For Food. The meal will include a main dish, a couple of sides, a desert, and a beverage, all made with wild ingredients. Bring your harvesting basket if you have one, a kitchen knife, a kitchen towel, and a notebook to jot down recipes as we go. 

2. WEEDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are interested in helping out–even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes before you pick up your box at the farm, come join us. Please contact us any day of the week or evenings until dark. Thank you!

3. FARMERS MARKETS: If you need to supplement your share with a few extra items, we are set up at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wed. & Sat. this week starting at 7 AM. We will also be at the Chelsea Farmers Market from 8 AM-1 PM. On top of that, our Sunflower Farm Market (formerly known as the Washtenaw Food Hub Market) is OPEN again on Wednesdays from 4 to 8 PM and on Saturdays as usual during our CSA pick up times from 9 AM-12 PM, so please feel free to purchase all your basic local needs and a few extra treats at any of these markets. We also have a small farm stand at the HoneyBee U-pick area (more details below).

4. HONEYBEE U-PICK is now OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAY MORNINGS FOR JULY: We are open this week from 8 AM until 12 PM on Saturday mornings at 5700 Scio Church Road on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. in Ann Arbor. You may purchase fresh Tantre produce and Elder Farm eggs. You may be interested in some “scavenger hunt” strawberry picking if you want to try to find the last of the strawberries. There also may be a little bit of blueberry picking, but the patch is pretty young still, so there may be not enough to pick. Other u-pick opportunities might be raspberries in August through September, and u-pick flowers from August through September. Sign up to be on our mailing list, so you know times, prices, weather-related closings, etc. here: https://www.tantrefarm.com/honey-bee/

*Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)—7 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)
*MOVE Fitness & Wellness Studio (Wed)—8 AM to 9:30 AM (SARA there the whole time)
*Farm (Wed.)—10 AM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –4 PM to 8 PM  (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to supplement your share. STAFF there the whole time)
*Pure Pastures (Wed.) —9 AM to 11 AM (JESSICA there most of the time)
*Farm (Fri.)—2 PM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Sat.) —7 AM to 12 PM (SHANNON there the whole time)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—9 AM to 12 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)
*Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)—8 AM to 12 PM (DEB there the whole time)
*Argus-Packard (Sat) — 9 AM to 3 PM ( STAFF there the whole time)
*RoosRoast-Rosewood (Sat)–9 AM to 11 AM (LIZ there the whole time)
*HoneyBee U-pick (Sat)–8 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)

**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar” with the word “recipes” at the end, and many recipe ideas will pop up. Have fun searching!

POTATO ARUGULA SALAD (from Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh to You” website) Serves 4-6
1 1/2 lbs red potatoes cut into 3/4-inch cubes
1/4 tsp pepper
3 Tbsp white wine vinegar or regular vinegar
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp of fresh minced tarragon or parsley
1 bunch arugula, rinsed and chopped or torn
2 cloves minced garlic
1 pt of cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 tsp salt

Bring large pot of salted water to boil. Add cubed potatoes and cook until tender, about 12-15 minutes. In a bowl, mix next 5 ingredients until salt dissolves. Whisk in oil until it thickens. Drain potatoes, return to pot. Toss with dressing, tomatoes, and arugula. Serve at room temperature.

BRAISED CABBAGE AND POTATOES (adapted from https://thehungrybluebird.com/braised-cabbage-and-potatoes/)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small yellow onion, diced
1 jalapeño, finely chopped
3 slices bacon, diced
½ pound fingerling potatoes, cut in half length-wise
1 small cabbage, cored and shredded
2 small carrots, peeled and finely diced
½ teaspoon Kosher salt
½ cup chicken broth or stock, preferably homemade

In a large cast iron skillet over medium high heat, heat oil until shimmering. Add bacon, onion and jalapeños, stir and cook until the bacon and onions start to brown, about 5 minutes. Push bacon/onion mixture to the side and add halved potatoes in the center of the pan. Let cook a minute or two and then stir and combine with other ingredients. Continue cooking and stirring for another 3 or 4 minutes until just starting to brown and get tender. Add cabbage, carrots and salt. Stir to combine and pour chicken stock into pan, reduce heat and simmer and cook, stirring often until cabbage is wilted and potatoes are tender, about 20 more minutes. Careful not to burn, adding more stock or water if needed. Taste for salt and serve.

GREEN BEAN AND POTATO PUDDING (from Madison Herb Society Cookbook) Serves 4
1 lb green beans
1 lb potatoes
4 eggs
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 Tbsp fresh marjoram or 1 tsp dried
Salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 cup bread crumbs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook beans and potatoes in boiling water until tender. Blend until smooth in food processor or blender. Blend in 1 egg at a time. Mix in cheese. Saute garlic, parsley, and marjoram in olive oil for 1 minute. Combine the two mixtures. Add salt and pepper to taste. Oil large, shallow baking dish. Dust with half the bread crumbs, shaking out excess. Pour in bean mixture; top with remaining crumbs. Bake 45-50 minutes, until puffed and golden.

VEGETABLE CITRUS MINT STIR FRY (from http://theexchange.thegrowers-exchange.com/annies-vegetable-citrus-mint-stir-fry)
1 Tbsp olive oil
3-4 garlic chives, minced
1 block firm or extra firm tofu, well pressed
1 red bell pepper, sliced
1/2 onion, diced
zucchini, chopped
4 stalks lemon grass, well minced in a food processor (optional)
2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp fresh ginger, minced
1 jalapeno, minced (or to taste)
1 1/2 cups packed mint leaves
1 Tbsp rice wine vinegar (or white wine vinegar)
Pre-cooked rice

Sautee the garlic, tofu, red pepper, and onion for about 5 minutes. Add the zucchini, and continue to cook until the veggies are soft and the tofu is golden brown. Remove from heat. For sauce, place the remaining ingredients (except rice) in a food processor and process until mint is finely minced. Add sauce to the tofu and veggies and reheat, just until hot. Serve over rice.

ROSY HOME FRIES (from Rolling Prairie Cookbook by Nancy O’Connor) Serves 6
4 to 5 medium potatoes, cooked until tender, then cubed
3 medium beets, cooked until tender, peeled, and cubed
1 Tbsp canola oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 large red or green pepper, chopped
1/2 cup minced fresh parsley
3/4 tsp salt
Black pepper, to taste

 Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and sauté for 5 minutes, stirring often. Add the potatoes and beets and sauté for approximately 10 minutes more, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes begin to brown slightly. Remove from heat. Toss in the red pepper, parsley, salt, and pepper. Serve immediately.

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter #7 July 7-13, 2024


AMARANTH GREENS: Amaranth leaves are eaten all over the world in many cuisines and under many names, such as “Callaloo” in the Caribbean, “Quintonil” in Mexico, “Saag” in India, “Vlita” in Greece, and known as pigweed, green amaranth, redroot amaranth, careless weed, and tumbleweed in the Americas; this wild native is a nutritious, edible plant that was important to the American Indians in the southwestern North American and Central American regions; after the spring spinach is gone, amaranth is one of the wild greens that likes to grow in the summer and is easily accessible for harvesting. For more details read this article: https://www.bbg.org/article/weed_of_the_month_pigweed
-How to use: use in soups or as a cooked green like spinach in pies, stews, or warm salads
-How to store: refrigerate with a damp towel/bag for up to 1 week.

RED ACE BEETS AND GREENS: round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall, red-veined green leaves.
-How to use: greens can be substituted for spinach and chard in recipes; roots good in soups, stews, roasted, boiled, steamed, excellent grated raw into salads or baked goods.
-How to store: separate roots from leaves and store unwashed in plastic bags in hydrator drawer of refrigerator for up to 2 weeks; store greens wrapped in damp cloth in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

GREEN CABBAGE: a sweet green cabbage; considered a beneficial digestive aid and intestinal cleanser; cabbage has a good amount of vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
-How to use: good steamed, stir-fried, or chopped raw into salads or coleslaw.
-How to store: refrigerate for up to 1 month.

CARROTS (Mokum): a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot”.
-How to use: can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sautéed, in stews, soups, casseroles, or stir-fries.
-How to store: refrigerate roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks

SWISS CHARD: close relative of garden beets; multi-colored, large veined, semi-crinkly, dark green leaves; mild flavor; good source of vitamins A, E, and C, as well as iron and calcium.
-How to use: greens can be prepared like spinach, and stalks like asparagus; good steamed, sauteed, stir-fried, and in soups.
-How to store: wrap in damp cloth in a plastic bag and refrigerate for up to 2-4 days.

KALE (Green Curly): well-ruffled, curly green leaves on green stems; this variety makes a good, roasted “kale chip”.
-How to use: for salads, soups, and light cooking.
-How to store: keep in plastic bag or damp towel in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

KOHLRABI : delicious bulbous member of the cabbage family, that grows above ground; purple or green skin and crisp, apple-white flesh tubers and leaves are good sources of vitamins C and A, calcium, potassium, and fiber.
-How to use: good steamed and then mashed with potatoes, added to soups or stews, or delicious sliced and eaten raw with dip.
-How to store: store in refrigerator for up to a month.

LETTUCE MIX or RED LETTUCE: You will receive Wildfire Lettuce Mix (a bag of dark reds and vibrant greens including Green and Red Oakleaf, Green and Red Romaine, and Redleaf lettuces; your lettuce has been rinsed once) OR Cherokee Red Lettuce (a red Summer Crisp with small, red heads with thick, crisp leaves that have dark red color with good flavor).
-How to use: raw in salads or use in soups and smoothies.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for 3-5 days

SUMMER ONIONS or YELLOW BULB ONIONS: You will receive either Summer Onions (slightly larger bulbs than green onions, but both bulb and leaves are still edible; can be prepared like cippolini onions) or Ailsa Craig (a sweet, mild, yellow-skinned, heirloom onion).
-How to use: can be grilled or roasted whole as a vegetable or chopped in salads, soups, and other dishes for flavor; greens can be chopped into a salad or chopped and put into freezer bags to add to soups or stock at a later time.
-How to store: wrap in damp towel or plastic bag in fridge for 2-7 days.

ZUCCHINI (Safari or Goldy): You will receive either Safari (green zucchini with attractive white stripes) OR Goldy (beautiful, bright golden cylindrical fruits).
-How to use: use in salads, dips, grilled, casseroles, stuffed, or mashed with butter and seasonings.
-How to store: store in plastic bag in refrigerator for up to 1 week.


1. FAMILY FARM HIKE on FRIDAY, July 12, from 5:30-6:30 PM: Come join us for a guided monthly exploratory walk around Tantre Farm with CSA member, Alisse Portnoy, who teaches at the University of Michigan, and her daughter, Jessica. Alisse and Jessica are in their fifteenth year of once-a-week, long visits to the farm. They look forward to sharing some of its treasures and treasure spots with you. We’ll use all our senses as we take an approx. 45-60 minute hike. Meet at the picnic tables behind the Main House. Please feel free to come earlier or stay later and bring a picnic meal, which could be supplemented with a few fresh Tantre veggies! Hope to see you at the farm for a casual dinnertime, hangout, and tour at Tantre Farm!

2. FORAGE AND FEAST Cooking Class on Friday, July 26, from 4-7 PM at Tantre Farm: Come to this foraging class and turn our collections into a gourmet meal with local foraging expert, Rachel Mifsud, from “Will Forage For Food”. Plant walks are great, but what do you do with stuff once you get it home? This class is designed to teach you exactly that. We will go out and forage for about an hour, then we will bring our harvest into the kitchen where we will combine it with previously foraged items (from Rachel’s stash), farm fresh ingredients, and some grocery store staples to make a gourmet meal that we will share. Our meal will include a main dish, a couple of sides, a desert, and both an alcoholic and a non-alcoholic beverage, all made with wild ingredients. Note that one or more of the dishes we make may include meat, eggs, dairy, wheat, nuts, etc. So if you have dietary restrictions you should contact Rachel before signing up. Bring your harvesting basket if you have one. It will also be helpful if you bring your favorite kitchen knife and a kitchen towel. And you may want a notebook to jot down recipes as we go. You may also want a notebook to jot down recipes as we go. This class is limited to 8 participants and Tantre CSA members are offered a discounted price of $50/person compared to $75 for nonmembers. Please register at https://willforageforfood.square.site/ .

3. WEEDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are interested in helping out–even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes before you pick up your box at the farm, come join us. Please contact us any day of the week or evenings until dark. Thank you!

4. FARMERS MARKETS: If you need to supplement your share with a few extra items, we are set up at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wed. & Sat. this week. starting at 7 AM. We will also be at the Chelsea Farmers Market from 8 AM-1 PM. On top of that, our Sunflower Farm Market (formerly known as the Washtenaw Food Hub Market) is OPEN again on Wednesdays from 4 to 8 PM and on Saturdays as usual during our CSA pick up times from 9 AM-12 PM, so please feel free to purchase all your basic local needs and a few extra treats at any of these markets. We also have a small farm stand at the HoneyBee U-pick area (more details below).

5. HONEYBEE U-PICK is now OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAY MORNINGS FOR JULY: We are open this week from 8 AM until 12 PM on Saturday mornings at 5700 Scio Church Road on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. in Ann Arbor. You may purchase fresh Tantre produce and Elder Farm eggs. You may be interested in some “scavenger hunt” strawberry picking if you want to try to find the last of the strawberries. There also may be a little bit of blueberry picking, but the patch is pretty young still, so there may be not enough to pick. Other u-pick opportunities might be raspberries in August through September, and u-pick flowers from August through September. Sign up to be on our mailing list, so you know times, prices, weather-related closings, etc. here: https://www.tantrefarm.com/honey-bee/

*Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)—7 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)
*MOVE Fitness & Wellness Studio (Wed)—8 AM to 9:30 AM (SARA there the whole time)
*Farm (Wed.)—10 AM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –4 PM to 8 PM (STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Pure Pastures (Wed.) —9 AM to 11 AM (JESSICA there most of the time)
*Farm (Fri.)—2 PM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Sat.) —7 AM to 12 PM (SHANNON there the whole time)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—9 AM to 12 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)
*Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)—8 AM to 12 PM (DEB there the whole time)
*Argus-Packard (Sat) — 9 AM to 3 PM ( STAFF there the whole time)
*RoosRoast-Rosewood (Sat)–9 AM to 11 AM (LIZ there the whole time)
*HoneyBee U-pick (Sat)–8 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)

by Richard & Deb

Remnants of the hurricane finally arrived last night passing over our farm with small, gentle droplets of rain and a little bit of sunshine splashing on the maple leaves as the birds called out in the early evening– the robin, the vireos, the song sparrow. Listening to these evening sounds engendered a sense of well being and tranquility. It was a beautiful, gentle rain with such a light patter on the front porch roof.

Yesterday we spent the day harvesting the bulb onions, beets, carrots, kohlrabi, cabbage, and pulled in the last of the garlic from the fields. As the rain arrived at midafternoon, we retreated to the barn to clip the stems off the garlic bulbs, while standing around the outside of the wagon, grabbing handfuls of garlic stems to clip the bulbs into wooden crates. This naturally led to a good session of conversation and time together in one place, talking about any topics that came into our heads. After a while we worked silently together as we listened to the rain. Hands and arms moving. The clippers snapping as the garlic bulbs filled crate after crate. It seemed that working with our hands in this way was a natural meditation that allowed our cares, worries, or concerns to disappear as we let the garlic heads drop one by one filling 80 wooden crates by the end of the day. Then we stacked them up neatly to dry.

Not only did this afternoon of rain and conversation bring acknowledgement of this gift of companionship, but we also may realize that within a few hours we were able to carefully store a crop not only for its seed, but for its life-giving benefits, health, and nutrition. The whole garlic’s life cycle is unfurled to us from planting in November to weeding and watering in the spring to the pulling of the garlic scapes in spring/early summer to the final harvest in July. It is this life cycle that we witness from the beginning and now the end when we receive the bounty from the earth to carry us through another season. The work is simple and wholesome and vigorous, because it requires us to attend and give attention to the needs of a plant and to attend and give attention to the soil that is growing the plants. It’s a very simple process and yet completely mysterious.

We come together with a common purpose to grow this fat and juicy garlic, cooperating and working together as a team to grow a plant that is both delicious and health-giving! We especially would like to acknowledge all of our farm crew who planted the garlic cloves, pulled the weeds, pulled the scapes, spread the compost, put out the pipes to water, worked in the sun, the cold, the rain, and the mud for many hours last fall, this early spring, and now this summer. Many months of hard work come to fruition in the form of a garlic bulb. Some may consider this sustained attention a great manifestation for the garlic and for the people, but really it may be more of a special manifestation of love and life and dedication.

**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar” with the word “recipes” at the end, and many recipe ideas will pop up. Have fun searching!

SWISS CHARD AND SUMMER SQUASH FRITTATA (adapted from Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites, the Moosewood Collective with http://nofearentertaining.blogspot.com)
1 lb Swiss chard
1 summer squash (or zucchini), sliced thin
4 garlic cloves, minced or pressed
1 cup chopped onions
2 tsp olive oil
6 egg whites
2 whole eggs
3 Tbsp chopped fresh basil
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp Ground black pepper
Grated Parmesan cheese (optional)

Wash the Swiss chard, remove and discard the large stems, and finely chop the leaves. In a 10-inch cast iron skillet, sauté the garlic, summer squash and onions in 1 teaspoon of the oil for 3 minutes on medium heat. Add the Swiss chard, stir, cover, lower the heat, and cook for about 10 minutes. Remove the skillet from the heat and drain the Swiss chard if juicy.  In a large bowl, beat the egg whites, eggs, basil, salt, and pepper until blended. Stir in the sautéed Swiss chard. Coat the bottom of the skillet with the remaining teaspoon of oil and return it to medium heat. When the skillet is hot, pour in the Swiss chard-egg mixture. Cook for 5 to 8 minutes, until the edges are firm and the bottom is golden and beginning to brown. Place in a preheated 400 degree oven and cook for about 5 minutes, until the eggs are fully cooked. Serve immediately or at room temperature, topped with grated Parmesan cheese if you wish.

KALE AND KOHLRABI SALAD (http://canolaeatwell.com/recipe/kohlrabi-and-kale-slaw)
4 cups kale, chopped
kohlrabi bulb, peeled and julienned
1/2 cup shredded carrots
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup toasted pecans

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/4 cup olive oil
salt and pepper

 Combine kale, kohlrabi, carrots, dried cranberries and pecans in a large bowl. In a small bowl whisk together red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, honey, minced garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix dressing with salad until well coated. Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving.

3 cups cooked rice (either freshly cooked or leftover is fine too)
2 Tbsp tomato paste
3 cloves garlic, minced OR 3 Tbsp minced garlic scapes
onion, chopped
1/2 head cabbage, julienned 
1 bunch amaranth greens, Swiss chard, or beet greens, chopped
2-6 jalapenos, minced (use 6 without seeds for a milder rice with lot of flavor, 6 with seeds for a spicy rice)
1 Tbsp red wine vinegar
1 cup chopped tomato (optional)
1 bunch chopped cilantro (optional)
Salt and pepper, to taste
Oil of your choice

In a heavy skillet (cast iron if you have it, or a wok will work fine), heat oil on medium high heat.  Add the cabbage and greens and cook until wilted.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Remove from pan and set aside. Using a bit more oil, still with medium high heat, stir fry the peppers, onion and garlic for 3-4 minutes. Add the tomato paste and cook for a minute more.  Add the rice and increase the heat to high.  Stirring almost constantly, cook this mixture for about 5 minutes and season to taste.  This is where you make your rice crispy if you like it this way.  Add the red wine vinegar, reserved cabbage and greens and cook until heated through. Toss with tomato and cilantro if desired and serve immediately.

A simple, easy salad!
2 medium beets, grated
3 large carrots, grated
kohlrabi, peeled and grated
1 medium onion (optional)
Sesame or sunflower seeds, toasted
Olive oil, to taste
Lemon juice, to taste
Salt and pepper, to taste

 Grate vegetables into a bowl. Chop onion, if desired, and add to bowl. Toast sesame or sunflower seeds. Add when cooled. Add olive oil and lemon juice as a salad dressing to suit your taste. Be careful of too much liquid. The tartness of the lemon should be prominent. Serve immediately or marinate for a few hours in the refrigerator.
Variation: Add grated turnips, mint, basil, lettuce, parsley, etc.

AMARANTH LEAVES (SPINACH) IN COCONUT MILK (from https://www.food.com/recipe/amaranth-leaves-spinach-in-coconut-milk-279618) Serves 4-6.
2-lb amaranth leaf (spinach, Swiss chard, beet greens, etc.)
1 liter water
14-oz can coconut milk
1 large onion
2 large tomatoes
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 lemon (optional)

Bring water and salt to the boil in a large pot. Add washed amaranth leaves and boil for 15 minutes or until tender. In a separate pan, heat the oil and cook the chopped onion until golden brown. Add the chopped tomatoes and cook until soft. Add the well drained amaranth leaves and stir to combine. Add the coconut milk and continue cooking for about 10 minutes. Adjust seasoning or add lemon juice to taste.

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter #6 June 30-July 6, 2024


ARUGULA: known as “wild rocket” with more deeply lobed leaves and a more pungent flavor; an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor.
-How to use: add to salads, soups, and sautéed vegetable dishes
-How to store: very perishable, so use up quickly; store in plastic bag with a paper towel in refrigerator for up to 5 days.

RED ACE BEETS AND GREENS: round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall, red-veined green leaves.  * The beet greens are especially delicious right now.
-How to use: greens can be substituted for spinach and chard in recipes; roots good in soups, stews, roasted, boiled, steamed, excellent grated raw into salads or baked goods.
-How to store: separate roots from leaves and store unwashed in plastic bags in hydrator drawer of refrigerator for up to 2 weeks; store greens wrapped in damp cloth in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

CARROTS (Mokum): a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot”.
-How to use: can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sautéed, in stews, soups, casseroles, or stir-fries.
-How to store: refrigerate roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks

SWISS CHARD: close relative of garden beets; multi-colored, large veined, semi-crinkly, dark green leaves; mild flavor; good source of vitamins A, E, and C, as well as iron and calcium.
-How to use: greens can be prepared like spinach, and stalks like asparagus; good steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, and in soups.
-How to store: wrap in damp cloth in a plastic bag and refrigerate for up to 2-4 days.

CUCUMBERS: long, cylindrical, green-skinned fruit of the gourd family with mild, crisp flesh; the thin skin doesn’t need peeling, unless waxed for longer shelf life in stores.
-How to use: raw or pickled in salads or sandwiches, can also be julienned, sautéed, or baked.
-How to store: store them in a sealed plastic bag in refrigerator crisper drawer for up to a week; use up leftovers as soon as possible.

FRESH HERBS: You will be receiving fresh herbs off and on throughout the summer, since harvesting them often means they need a few weeks to recover before we harvest again. Here are a couple of links to help you know more about how to use fresh herbs: https://www.urbancultivator.net/cooking-with-fresh-herbs/. The following is a good link to help you identify your herb with images and descriptions: http://theherbexchange.com/25-best-herbs-to-grow-in-your-kitchen-garden/. You will receive either Common Thyme (tiny green leaves used in meat and vegetable dishes and most casseroles, soups, stews, and medicinal teas, which soothe sore throats) OR Winter Savory (a semi-evergreen, perennial herb; its strong spicy flavor goes well with beans and meat; medicinally it has antiseptic, aromatic, carminative, and digestive benefits, as well as relieves bee stings; fresh savory has a strong spicy-pepper flavor and resinous odor similar to fresh thyme).
-How to store: store herbs upright with cut stems in 1 or 2 inches of water and refrigerate for up to 1 week or wrap in slightly dampened cloth or plastic bag and store in refrigerator.

KALE (Lacinato): also called “dinosaur kale, tuscano, or black kale”; dark green, noncurled, blistered leaves, but heavily savoyed; have a sweet, mild, cabbage flavor and are interchangeable with broccoli, mustard greens, and other hearty greens in recipes; rich source of phytochemicals, which studies have shown can ward off various forms of cancer; highest protein content of all the cultivated vegetables; very high in calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, and good source of fiber and folic acid.
-How to use: for salads, soups, and light cooking.
-How to store: keep in plastic bag or damp towel in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

LETTUCE MIX (Wildfire): a bag of dark reds and vibrant greens including Green and Red Oakleaf, Green and Red Romaine, and Redleaf lettuces; your lettuce has been rinsed once.
-How to use: raw in salads or use in soups and smoothies.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for 3-5 days

SUMMER ONIONS (Ailsa Craig): slightly larger bulbs than green onions, but both bulb and leaves are still edible; can be prepared like cippolini onions.
-How to use: can be grilled or roasted whole as a vegetable or chopped in salads, soups, and other dishes for flavor; greens can be chopped into a salad or chopped and put into freezer bags to add to soups or stock at a later time.
-How to store: wrap in damp towel or plastic bag in fridge for 2-7 days.

RADISHES (Pink Beauty): pink-colored root with mild, spicy flavor; excellent source of vitamins A, C, and the B’s!
-How to use: raw, roasted, used in soups, sliced in salads, sandwiches, or stir-fries, grated in slaws; radish greens are delicious in soups or stir-fries
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag/damp towel for 1-2 weeks.

ZUCCHINI: You will receive either Safari (green zucchini with attractive white stripes) OR Goldy (beautiful, bright golden cylindrical fruits).
-How to use: use in salads, dips, grilled, casseroles, stuffed, or mashed with butter and seasonings.
-How to store: store in plastic bag in refrigerator for up to 1 week.


1. 4th of July VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please let us know of any last minute changes in pick up days or locations if you will be out of town due to any upcoming holiday weekend plans or if you need to put your share on hold or donate it to a needy family. Thanks for being courteous and letting us know. Safe travels!!

2. FAMILY FARM HIKE on FRIDAY, July 12, from 5:30-6:30 PM: Come join us for a guided monthly exploratory walk around Tantre Farm with CSA member, Alisse Portnoy, who teaches at the University of Michigan, and her daughter, Jessica. Alisse and Jessica are in their fifteenth year of once-a-week, long visits to the farm. They look forward to sharing some of its treasures and treasure spots with you. We’ll use all our senses as we take an approx. 45-60 minute hike. Meet at the picnic tables behind the Main House. Please feel free to come earlier or stay later and bring a picnic meal, which could be supplemented with a few fresh Tantre veggies! Also, keep in mind you can always switch your pick up day to the farm for this occasion. Hope to see you at the farm for a casual dinnertime, hangout, and tour at Tantre Farm!

3. FORAGE AND FEAST Cooking Class on Friday, July 26, from 4-7 PM at Tantre Farm: Come to this foraging class and turn our collections into a gourmet meal with local foraging expert, Rachel Mifsud, from “Will Forage For Food”.  Plant walks are great, but what do you do with stuff once you get it home? This class is designed to teach you exactly that. We will go out and forage for about an hour, then we will bring our harvest into the kitchen where we will combine it with previously foraged items (from Rachel’s stash), farm fresh ingredients, and some grocery store staples to make a gourmet meal that we will share. Our meal will include a main dish, a couple of sides, a desert, and both an alcoholic and a non-alcoholic beverage, all made with wild ingredients. Note that one or more of the dishes we make may include meat, eggs, dairy, wheat, nuts, etc. So if you have dietary restrictions you should contact Rachel before signing up. Bring your harvesting basket if you have one. It will also be helpful if you bring your favorite kitchen knife and a kitchen towel. And you may want a notebook to jot down recipes as we go. You may also want a notebook to jot down recipes as we go. This class has 4 spots left, and Tantre CSA members are offered a discounted price of $50/person compared to $75 for nonmembers. Please register at https://willforageforfood.square.site/ .

4. WEEDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are interested in helping out–even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes before you pick up your box at the farm, come join us. Please contact us any day of the week or evenings until dark. Thank you!

5. FARMERS MARKETS: If you need to supplement your share with a few extra items, we are set up at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wed. & Sat. this week. starting at 7 AM. We will also be at the Chelsea Farmers Market from 8 AM-1 PM. On top of that, our Sunflower Farm Market (formerly known as the Washtenaw Food Hub Market) is OPEN again on Wednesdays from 4 to 8 PM and on Saturdays as usual during our CSA pick up times from 9 AM-12 PM, so please feel free to purchase all your basic local needs and a few extra treats at any of these markets. We also have a small farm stand at the HoneyBee U-pick area (more details below).

6. HONEYBEE U-PICK is now OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAY MORNINGS FOR JULY: We are open this week from 8 AM until 12 PM on Saturday mornings at 5700 Scio Church Road on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. in Ann Arbor. We will allow some “scavenger hunt” strawberry picking if you want to try to find the last of the strawberries, since there are still some stragglers out there. Other u-pick opportunities might be raspberries in August through September, and u-pick flowers from August through September. Sign up to be on our mailing list, so you know times, prices, weather-related closings, etc. here: https://www.tantrefarm.com/honey-bee/

*Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)—7 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)
*MOVE Fitness & Wellness Studio (Wed)—8 AM to 9:30 AM (SARA there the whole time)
*Farm (Wed.)—10 AM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –4 PM to 8 PM (The new Sunflower Farm Market is CLOSED on June 26. NO STAFF available)
*Pure Pastures (Wed.) —9 AM to 11 AM (JESSICA there most of the time)
*Farm (Fri.)—2 PM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Sat.) —7 AM to 12 PM (SHANNON there the whole time)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—9 AM to 12 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)
*Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)—8 AM to 12 PM (DEB there the whole time)
*Argus-Packard (Sat) — 9 AM to 3 PM ( STAFF there the whole time)
*RoosRoast-Rosewood (Sat)–9 AM to 11 AM (LIZ there the whole time)
*HoneyBee U-pick (Sat)–8 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)

**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar” with the word “recipes” at the end, and many recipe ideas will pop up. Have fun searching!

6 Tbsp vegetable oil
2 Tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tsp Dijon-style mustard
1 tsp fresh savory or thyme, minced
1 tsp fresh basil, minced
1/4 tsp dried marjoram, crushed
1/4 tsp paprika

Mix ingredients and serve over lettuce, arugula, or other salad ingredients. Other herbs may be substituted for different flavor combinations.

HONEY THYME VEGETABLES (from From Asparagus to Zucchini: A Guide to Cooking Farm-Fresh Seasonal Produce by MACSAC) Serves 3-4
4-5 cups fresh vegetables (broccoli, beets, carrots, radishes, zucchini, etc.)
2 Tbsp melted butter
2 Tbsp honey
1-2 Tbsp minced fresh thyme or 1/2 to 1 tsp dried thyme
Salt and pepper, to taste

 Cut vegetables into 2-inch pieces. Cook vegetables in small amount of water until crisp tender. Drain very well. Combine melted butter, honey, and thyme; toss mixture with the veggies. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately.

VEGETARIAN BEAN, SWISS CHARD AND LEMON SOUP (from Polwig.com food blog) Serves 6
2 cans of Cannellini Beans (white kidney beans, 15.5 oz)
4 cups vegetable stock or water
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 celery stalks
1 lb potatoes
1 red pepper
1 lemon
Handful fresh thyme or winter savory
1 bunch Swiss Chard
1 Tbsp cumin

 Dice the onion and celery (you can also add the leafy ends). Clean the carrots, or scrape them and then cube. On medium heat sauté onions, celery and carrots with 1 tablespoon olive oil. When they are cooking, dice the peppers add to the pot and cook while you roughly chop the chard and cut potatoes into edible slices or cubes. When onions have become translucent and peppers a little softer add chard and potatoes. Top with drained cannellini beans, 1 squeezed lemon (squeeze juice, and then quarter the lemon and cook with the soup) and a bunch of thyme. Add vegetable stock and cumin. Bring to boil and simmer until the potatoes are soft. Discard the lemons and serve warm.
Notes: This is the perfect soup to empty your vegetables bin so if you have anything in your fridge that should be used throw it in. This soup also freezes really well, so if you make a bigger batch you can have it as a pick me up for up to 3 months.

ZUCCHINI SALAD (from The World in Your Kitchen) Serves 4
1-2 zucchini, sliced
4-6 Tbsp olive oil
2-3 Tbsp lemon juice
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tsp caraway seeds, crushed
1 tsp fresh thyme or winter savory, minced
Salt and pepper, to taste
Pinch of paprika

 Steam zucchini or boil in salted water for 2-3 minutes. While they are cooking, whisk oil into lemon juice. Add garlic, caraway seeds, herbs, salt and pepper. Drain zucchini and place in a serving dish. Pour the dressing over, and mix well. Sprinkle a little paprika on top before serving either hot or cold.

3-4 beets, uncooked
3-4 carrots
1 finely chopped onion (or bunch of scallions or leeks)
1/3 cup cider vinegar
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp honey

Grate the beets and carrots into a bowl. Add onion. Pour over vinegar and honey, mix and let marinate in fridge.
Variation: Add grated turnips, chopped cucumber, chopped watercress, parsley, mint, fennel leaves, arugula, lettuce, toasted sunflower seeds.

antre Farm CSA Newsletter #5 June 23-29


ARUGULA: known as “wild rocket” with more deeply lobed leaves and a more pungent flavor; an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor.
-How to use: add to salads, soups, and sautéed vegetable dishes
-How to store: very perishable, so use up quickly; store in plastic bag with a paper towel in refrigerator for up to 5 days.

BROCCOLI or GREEN CABBAGE: Since we may not have enough Broccoli or Green Cabbage, you will receive a surprise of one of the other in your box this week, so either Broccoli (deep emerald green, tiny buds that are clustered on top of stout, edible stems; high in vitamins A, C, calcium, potassium, and iron; known as an anti-cancer vegetable) or Green Cabbage (a sweet green cabbage; considered a beneficial digestive aid and intestinal cleanser; cabbage has a good amount of vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium, and magnesium).
-How to use: use raw, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, in casseroles, soups, pizzas, etc.
-How to store: store loosely in plastic bag for up to a week.

CARROTS with Greens (Mokum): a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot” with edible green leaves; greens are delicious in soups and also salads. ** This is the best time of year to try the greens, which are plentiful and rich in Vitamin C, and very tasty in soups.
-How to use: can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sautéed, in stews, soups, casseroles, or stir-fries.
-How to store: remove greens from roots and refrigerate dry and unwashed roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks; greens may last up to a week refrigerated in plastic bag.

CUCUMBERS: long, cylindrical, green-skinned fruit of the gourd family with mild, crisp flesh; the thin skin doesn’t need peeling, unless waxed for longer shelf life in stores. **See lots of Cucumber recipes below!
-How to use: raw or pickled in salads or sandwiches, can also be julienned, sautéed, or baked.
-How to store: store them in a sealed plastic bag in refrigerator crisper drawer for up to a week; use up leftovers as soon as possible.

DILL: feathery green leaves, which faintly resemble licorice; considered a good luck symbol by early Romans.
-How to use: good in soups, omelets, seafood dishes, herring, salmon, potato salads, and steamed vegetables. The leaves go well with fish, cream cheese, potatoes, beets, carrots, and cucumber.
-How to store: Fresh leaves can be kept in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for several days or chop finely and mix with one tablespoon of water and freeze in ice cube trays. After the cubes are frozen, place in plastic zip-lock freezer bags and return to freezer.

FAVA BEANS: (also called faba bean, horse bean, or broad bean)–the pod is inedible and looks like a large bean pod; the bean seed resembles a very large lima bean with a tart, pungent flavor; fresh fava beans should be shelled from pod, and bean can be eaten raw, skin and all, if young enough. Interesting recipe and ways to preserve: https://www.thespruceeats.com/sauteed-fava-beans-2217303
*To skin fava beans: blanch for 1 minute, then drain and cool; with your thumbnail, pull open the sprout end and squeeze the bean out of its skin.
-How to use: stew skinned beans in a little butter, oil or cream seasoned with savory, thyme or sage; saute with other vegetables and toss with pasta; good in soups; lots of recipes on the internet.
-How to store: store fresh, unshelled beans in the refrigerator up to a week; once shelled, blanched and skinned, favas can be frozen in plastic containers for longer storage; shelled beans are best used within a few days; see “Beans” for recipes in the A to Z Cookbook, if you have it.

KALE (Lacinato): also called “dinosaur kale, tuscano, or black kale”; dark green, noncurled, blistered leaves, but heavily savoyed; have a sweet, mild, cabbage flavor and are interchangeable with broccoli, mustard greens, and other hearty greens in recipes; rich source of phytochemicals, which studies have shown can ward off various forms of cancer; highest protein content of all the cultivated vegetables; very high in calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, and good source of fiber and folic acid.
-How to use: for salads, soups, and light cooking.
-How to store: keep in plastic bag or damp towel in refrigerator for up to 1 week.

GREEN LEAF LETTUCE or LETTUCE MIX: You will receive either Tropicana (a green leaf lettuce with large, bright green heads with thick crumpled leaves; good in salads and sandwiches) OR Wildfire Lettuce Mix (a bag of dark reds and vibrant greens including Green and Red Oakleaf, Green and Red Romaine, and Redleaf lettuces; your lettuce has been rinsed once).
-How to use: raw in salads or use in soups and smoothies.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for 3-5 days.

MUSHROOMS (Golden Oyster): We have finally received the bountiful flush of mushrooms we’ve been waiting for! These delicate yellow mushrooms grow in large clusters containing dozens of tender stems topped by yellowish white, shell-like caps, which have a subtle, earthy odor and a slightly chewy, but velvety texture. If you don’t care for mushrooms, then leave them for someone else or gift them to a friend!
-How to use: brush off dirt to clean or wipe with damp cloth, do not wash or submerge in water; good grilled, sautéed, steamed, in soups, and in sandwiches.
-How to store: place in paper bag or wax bag and keep in refrigerator for up to 5-7 days or let dehydrate in paper bag on your counter (shake every couple of days).

BUNCHING ONIONS (also called “scallions, green onions, or spring onions”): young shoots of red or white onions with long green stalks and a small bulbous end; milder tasting than large bulb onions; full of great fiber and antioxidants, high in potassium and source of vitamins C and B-6.
-How to use: the bulb, flowers, and green leaves are edible; can be cooked, grilled, roasted whole as a vegetable; chopped in salads, soups, and other dishes for flavor; leaves can be used as a salad or soup garnish or chopped and stored in freezer for making stock.
-How to store: refrigerate in damp towel/plastic bag for 5-7 days.

RADISHES (Pink Beauty): pink-colored root with mild, spicy flavor; excellent source of vitamins A, C, and the B’s!
-How to use: raw, roasted, used in soups, sliced in salads, sandwiches, or stir-fries, grated in slaws; radish greens are delicious in soups or stir-fries
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag/damp towel for 1-2 weeks.


1. 4th of July VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please let us know of any last minute changes in pick up days or locations if you will be out of town for the 4th of July holiday and need to put your share on hold or donate it to a needy family. Thanks for being courteous and letting us know. Safe travels!!

2. WEEDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are interested in helping out–even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes before you pick up your box at the farm, come join us. Please contact us any day of the week or evenings until dark. Thank you!

3. FARMERS MARKETS: If you need to supplement your share with a few extra items, we are set up at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wed. & Sat. this week. starting at 7 AM. We will also be at the Chelsea Farmers Market from 8 AM-1 PM. On top of that, our Sunflower Farm Market (formerly known as the Washtenaw Food Hub Market) is open on Saturdays as usual during our CSA pick up times from 9 AM-12 PM, so please feel free to purchase all your basic local needs and a few extra treats at any of these markets. Unfortunately our Wed. Sunflower Market will be closed on Wed. this week due to staff shortage for vacation time. We also have a small farm stand at the HoneyBee U-pick area (more details below).

4. HONEYBEE U-PICK is now OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAY MORNINGS FOR JULY: We are open this week from 8 AM until 12 PM on Saturday mornings at 5700 Scio Church Road on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. in Ann Arbor. We will allow some “scavenger hunt” strawberry picking if you want to try to find the last of the strawberries, since there are still some stragglers out there. Other u-pick opportunities might be raspberries in August through September, and u-pick flowers from August through September. Sign up to be on our mailing list, so you know times, prices, weather-related closings, etc. here: https://www.tantrefarm.com/honey-bee/

5. FAMILY FARM HIKE on FRIDAY, July 12, from 5:30-6:30 PM: Come join us for a guided monthly exploratory walk around Tantre Farm with CSA member, Alisse Portnoy, who teaches at the University of Michigan, and her daughter, Jessica. Alisse and Jessica are in their fifteenth year of once-a-week, long visits to the farm. They look forward to sharing some of its treasures and treasure spots with you. We’ll use all our senses as we take an approx. 45-60 minute hike. Meet at the picnic tables behind the Main House.  Please feel free to come earlier or stay later and bring a picnic meal, which could be supplemented with a few fresh Tantre veggies!  Also, keep in mind you can always switch your pick up day to the farm for this occasion.  Hope to see you at the farm for a casual dinnertime, hangout, and tour at Tantre Farm!

*Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)—7 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)
*MOVE Fitness & Wellness Studio (Wed)—8 AM to 9:30 AM (SARA there the whole time)
*Farm (Wed.)—10 AM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –4 PM to 8 PM (The new Sunflower Farm Market is CLOSED on June 26. NO STAFF available)
*Pure Pastures (Wed.) —9 AM to 11 AM (JESSICA there most of the time)
*Farm (Fri.)—2 PM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)
*Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Sat.) —7 AM to 12 PM (SHANNON there the whole time)
*Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—9 AM to 12 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)
*Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)—8 AM to 12 PM (DEB there the whole time)
*Argus-Packard (Sat) — 9 AM to 3 PM ( STAFF there the whole time)
*RoosRoast-Rosewood (Sat)–9 AM to 11 AM (LIZ there the whole time)
*HoneyBee U-pick (Sat)–8 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)

The cucumber, a member of the gourd family, is a distant relative to pumpkins, squash, and melons. It is said to have originated in the Middle East. It has been eaten as an unripe fruit, since Biblical times. As a relative of melons, cucumbers are very high in water and so very refreshing, especially during these hot days of summer. They are 94% water and also contain small amounts of vitamins A, C, and a few minerals. For some, however, cucumbers are hard to digest, so seedless and “burpless” cucumbers have been bred to prevent this problem.

Our cucumbers are not waxed (to keep them from rotting for a longer shelf life) like ordinary cucumbers found in the store, so skin and all can be eaten. The skins are rich in vitamin E, so they are also known as an effective skin conditioner. Also, some of the nutrients, such as vitamin A, iron, and potassium are lost when the skin is removed. The cucumber skins, besides being good for human skin, also contain silicon and chlorophyll, making them well worth eating. If you do wish to remove the skins, you may try making “cukesicles” for the kids. At Tantré Farm, sometimes we peel the skins off and slice the cucumbers in half lengthwise making a long, slender, cooling treat we call “cukesicles”.

The cucumber is a non-starchy, alkaline “cooling” vegetable. It is an excellent diuretic, helping the kidneys in waste elimination. Cucumbers contain the enzyme, erepsin, which helps digest proteins and destroys worms. The cucumber’s potassium content makes it useful for high and low blood pressure.

Cucumbers deteriorate very quickly, because of their high water content, so it is important to store them in a sealed plastic bag in refrigerator crisper drawer. Keep them away from tomatoes, apples, or citrus, which give off ethylene gas, and can speed up their deterioration.

Most people enjoy cucumbers raw or pickled in salads or sandwiches, but sometimes a cuke can be julienned, sautéed, or baked. Try cucumber rounds topped with egg or tuna salad, or simply with salt. Make refrigerator pickles, which are very simple and delicious. They are featured in a number of ethnic dishes.

Although not as nutritious as most of the garden vegetables, cucumbers are very satisfying and help us replenish fluids and minerals lost in perspiration, leaving us as “cool as a cucumber”. They are very reviving on a hot summer’s day.

**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar” with the word “recipes” at the end, and many recipe ideas will pop up. Have fun searching!

CUCUMBER, DILL, AND MINT SOUP (from What Do You Do With This Stuff)
4 cucumbers
2 cups yogurt
1 small bunching onion, chopped
1 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 clove garlic
3 Tbsp chopped, fresh dill
1 Tbsp chopped, fresh mint
1/4 tsp wine vinegar
2 tsp olive oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
        Peel, seed, and chop cucumbers. Puree all ingredients and chill for 3 hours. Garnish with sprigs of dill.

CUCUMBER SALAD (from Simple Food for the Good Life by Helen Nearing)
4 small unpeeled cucumbers, thinly sliced
6 young radishes, thinly sliced
1 carrot, thinly sliced
1 bunch of green onions, chopped
1 Tbsp fresh dill weed
1 tsp fresh chopped thyme
1 cup sour cream
       Combine the cucumbers, radishes, carrot, green onions, dill and thyme. Serve the mixture dressed with the sour cream.

FLATBREAD WITH FAVA BEANS, CUCUMBERS, AND BURRATA (from http://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/flatbread-with-fava-beans-cucumbers-and-burrata) Serves 4
1 cup shelled fava beans (from about 1 lb pods)
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 Tbsp olive oil, plus more for the grill
Kosher salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 cucumber, thinly sliced
1 Tbsp unseasoned rice vinegar
1/2 garlic-herb naan or 1 lb store-bought pizza dough, room temperature, halved
1 8-oz ball burrata or fresh mozzarella, drained
Basil leaves (for serving)
1/2 tsp toasted sesame seeds
Flaky sea salt, to taste
        Cook fava beans in a medium saucepan of boiling salted water until tender, about 4 minutes. Transfer to a bowl of ice water. Drain and peel skins off beans. Combine lemon juice, olive oil, and half of fava beans in a medium bowl and lightly mash with a fork. Stir in remaining whole fava beans; season with kosher salt and pepper. Combine cucumbers and vinegar in a medium bowl; season with kosher salt. Let sit until slightly softened, 10-12 minutes. Prepare a grill for medium-high, indirect heat (for a charcoal grill, bank coals on one side of grill; for a gas grill, leave one or two burners off); lightly oil grate. Working with 1 piece of dough at a time, gently stretch to about a 10”x8″ oval. Grill over direct heat, turning and rotating as needed, until bread is stiff and both sides are lightly charred, about 3 minutes total. Move to indirect heat to keep warm while you grill the remaining piece of dough. Transfer flatbreads to a work surface. Tear burrata into pieces and divide between flatbreads; top with fava bean mixture, cucumbers,and basil. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, sea salt, and pepper.

1 cup parsley leaves, loosely packed, washed, and spun dry
1 cup arugula, loosely packed, washed, and spun dry
3 firm cultivated mushrooms, sliced thin
Dash salt
1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice
Freshly-ground black pepper, to taste
1/4 cup thinly-sliced red onions, soaked in ice water 15 minutes, drained
Parmesan cheese, shaved in thin curls.
           In a large bowl toss the parsley, arugula and mushrooms with the salt. Add the oil and toss well. Add the lemon juice and toss well. Season to taste with the black pepper. Divide the salad among plates and add to each portion some of the onions and Parmesan curls.

STIR-FRIED OYSTER MUSHROOM WITH EGG (from https://sichuankitchenrecipes.com/2022/07/08/stir-fried-oyster-mushroom-with-egg)
4 eggs
½ lb oyster mushrooms
2 stalks green onion
1 carrot
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp cooking oil
         Clean oyster mushrooms with a paper towel and split them into smaller pieces.  Beat 4 eggs in a bowl.  Slice 1 carrot and some green onion. In a pan, add cooking oil on medium heat.  Fry eggs and separate into smaller pieces. Add carrots and oyster mushrooms. Stir fry until oyster mushrooms are tender (3-4 minutes). Season with salt. 

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter #4 June 16-22, 2024


GREENS ADVICE for the entire season: Please keep in mind that there are a lot greens at this early part of the farm season, so basically, “It’s salad time!” If you’re not sure how best to enjoy your greens, taste it. If it’s too strong-flavored for a salad, then cook it. Greens can be eaten raw in a salad or lightly steamed or sautéed with garlic, green onions, or butter in order to mellow their flavor. They can also be tossed into a dish (such as soup or a smoothie) for an extra nutritional and flavorful boost.

ARUGULA: known as “wild rocket” with more deeply lobed leaves and a more pungent flavor; an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor.
-How to use: add to salads, soups, and sautéed vegetable dishes
-How to store: very perishable, so use up quickly; store in plastic bag with a paper towel in refrigerator for up to 5 days.

ASPARAGUS: Also known as “sparrowgrass”, these green or purple spears each contain vitamins A, B, and C, and iron.
– How to use: serve raw, chopped in salads, or with dips. You can also steam, roast, grill.
– How to store: wrap in damp cloth and plastic bag, then refrigerate. Alternatively, bundle spears with rubber band and place upright in container with an inch of water.

RED ACE BEETS AND GREENS: round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall, red-veined green leaves.  * The beet greens are especially delicious right now. See recipe at end of newsletter for greens and beet recipes.
-How to use: greens can be substituted for spinach and chard in recipes; roots good in soups, stews, roasted, boiled, steamed, excellent grated raw into salads or baked goods.
-How to store: separate roots from leaves and store unwashed in plastic bags in hydrator drawer of refrigerator for up to 2 weeks; store greens wrapped in damp cloth in plastic bag for up to 1 week.

BROCCOLI: deep emerald green, tiny buds that are clustered on top of stout, edible stems; high in vitamins A, C, calcium, potassium, and iron; known as an anti-cancer vegetable.
-How to use: use raw, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, in casseroles, soups, pizzas, etc.
-How to store: store loosely in plastic bag for up to a week.

FAVA BEANS: (also called faba bean, horse bean, or broad bean)–the pod is inedible and looks like a large bean pod; the bean seed resembles a very large lima bean with a tart, pungent flavor; fresh fava beans should be shelled from pod, and bean can be eaten raw, skin and all, if young enough. Interesting recipe and ways to preserve: https://www.thespruceeats.com/sauteed-fava-beans-2217303
*To skin fava beans: blanch for 1 minute, then drain and cool; with your thumbnail, pull open the sprout end and squeeze the bean out of its skin.
-How to use: stew skinned beans in a little butter, oil or cream seasoned with savory, thyme or sage; saute with other vegetables and toss with pasta; good in soups; lots of recipes on the internet.
-How to store: store fresh, unshelled beans in the refrigerator up to a week; once shelled, blanched and skinned, favas can be frozen in plastic containers for longer storage; shelled beans are best used within a few days; see “Beans” for recipes in the A to Z Cookbook, if you have it.   

GREEN LEAF LETTUCE: You will receive Tropicana (a green leaf lettuce with large, bright green heads with thick crumpled leaves; good in salads and sandwiches).
-How to use: raw in salads or (believe it or not!) use in soups.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for 3-5 days.

GREEN ONIONS (also called “scallions ” or “spring onions”): young shoots of red or white onions with long green stalks and milder tasting than large bulb onions; full of great fiber and antioxidants, high in potassium and source of vitamins C and B-6.
-How to use: the bulb, flowers, and green leaves are edible; can be cooked, grilled, roasted whole as a vegetable; chopped in salads, soups, and other dishes for flavor.
-How to store: refrigerate in damp towel/plastic bag for 5-7 days.

SUGAR SNAP PEAS (only for Wed. members, since Fri/Sat members received them last week as a surprise!): flat-round pod of edible-pod pea; often lighter green than the shelling pea pod; you can eat the pod and the pea!
-How to use: add peas to soups, stews, sautes, or stir-fries; blanch or steam for 2-4 minutes only until color is bright green; snap or snow peas can be eaten raw in salads or cooked quickly as in stir-fries or deep fry in tempura batter.-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for 4-5 days; if kept too long, their sweet flavor and crisp texture diminishes. 

RADISHES (Pink Beauty):  pink-colored root with mild, spicy flavor; excellent source of vitamins A, C, and the B’s!
-How to use: raw, roasted, used in soups, sliced in salads, sandwiches, or stir-fries, grated in slaws; radish greens are delicious in soups or stir-fries
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag/damp towel for 1-2 weeks. 

SPICY GREENS MIX:  a blend of arugula, Kyona/Mizuna, and red and green mustards.
-How to use: used for salads and sautéing–cooks up quickly.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for 2-4 days.

SPINACH: crisp, dark green leaf–best eaten raw or with minimal cooking to obtain the beneficial chlorophyll, as well as vitamins A and C; delicious flavor when juiced.
-How to use: toss in fresh salad, add to sandwiches, sauté, steam, braise, or add to crepes, quiche, lasagna, and soups.
-How to store: refrigerate with a damp towel/bag for up to 1 week.


1. 4th of July VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please let us know of any last minute changes in pick up days or locations if you will be out of town for the 4th of July weekend and need to put your share on hold or donate it to a needy family. Thanks for being courteous and letting us know. Safe travels!!

2. FARMERS MARKETS: If you need to supplement your share with a few extra items, we are set up at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market on Wed. &  Sat. this week. starting at 7 AM. We will also be at the Chelsea Farmers Market from 8 AM-1 PM. On top of that, our Sunflower Farm Market (formerly known as the Washtenaw Food Hub Market) is open on Saturdays as usual during our CSA pick up times from 9 AM-12 PM, so please feel free to purchase all your basic local needs and a few extra treats at any of these markets. Unfortunately our Wed. Sunflower Market will be closed on Wed. this week due to staff shortage.  We also have a small farm stand at the HoneyBee U-pick area (more details below).

3. HONEYBEE U-PICK: We are open this week from 8 AM until 12 PM every morning for strawberry picking at 5700 Scio Church Road on the corner of Zeeb Rd. and Scio Church Rd. in Ann Arbor, but the strawberries are slowing down a bit! We are still finding them, and they are slightly small, but mighty delicious!  Due to the heat wave this week, we will only be open in the mornings.  We will be open at least through the end of this week including Saturday morning,  unless the weather is bad, but this is looking like the last week of u-pick strawberries. Just look for a beautiful, artisanal, timber frame barn in the middle of the field. We will provide buckets for picking, but please bring your own containers to transfer strawberries into, or we will provide bags. We will also try to have “already picked” strawberries and recently harvested blueberries for sale if we have enough staff to pick them. Other u-pick opportunities might be raspberries in August through September, and u-pick flowers from late July through September. Sign up to be on our mailing list, so you know times, prices, weather-related closings, etc. here: https://www.tantrefarm.com/honey-bee/


*Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)—7 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)

*MOVE Fitness & Wellness Studio (Wed)—8 AM to 9:30 AM (SARA there the whole time)

*Farm (Wed.)—10 AM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)

*Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –4 PM to 8 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)

*Pure Pastures (Wed.) —9 AM to 11 AM (JESSICA there most of the time)

*Farm (Fri.)—2 PM to 7 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time with some self check-in)

*Ann Arbor Farmers Market (Sat.) —7 AM to 12 PM (SHANNON there the whole time)

*Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—9 AM to 12 PM (Come inside the new Sunflower Farm Market to pick up your share. STAFF there the whole time)

*Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)—8 AM to 12 PM (DEB there the whole time)

*Argus-Packard (Sat) — 9 AM to 3 PM ( STAFF there the whole time)

*RoosRoast-Rosewood (Sat)–9 AM to 11 AM (LIZ there the whole time)

*HoneyBee U-pick (Sat)–8 AM to 12 PM (TANTRE STAFF there the whole time)


A traditional Mediterranean recipe. Adjust ingredients to taste.
1-2 qts fava beans with pods
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1/2 bunch of cilantro, chopped
1/2 cup lemon juice, fresh or bottled
1/4 cup olive oil
1-2 green onions, chopped

Prepare fava pods for cooking, but remove “string” on edge of pod by grasping stem part with a knife and pulling “stringy” part of the pod off. Chop beans in 1-inch chunks (shell and beans together). Heat olive oil in pot and add the beans. Stir occasionally on low heat. When the beans begin to water, add garlic, cilantro, green onions, and lemon. Beans are ready when they turn a more brownish-green. Enjoy!

GREEN LETTUCE SMOOTHIES (adapted from Green For Life, by Victoria Boutenko)
Additional note: I started out using these recipes and now I just throw anything into the blender and get creative. You can always interchange the greens to whatever’s on hand. Also, you can interchange water for fruit juice.  Also pitted dates or honey add sweetness. 
OPTION #1 (yields 1 quart):
1 cup strawberries, 2 bananas, 1/2 bunch lettuce, 2 cups water. Blend well.
OPTION #2 (yields 1 quart):  
6-8 leaves red leaf lettuce, 1 banana, 1/4 cup blueberries, 2 cups water. Blend well.

BEET SALAD   Serves 6
4 medium fresh beets
Green leaf lettuce as a garnish
2 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds
Lemon Dressing:
4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp sea salt

Trim the greens off one inch above the beet. Keep the thin tap root. In a medium saucepan cook the whole beets, covered, in boiling water for 40 to 50 minutes. Drain, cool slightly and peel the beets (cooking and peeling can be done the day before). For the dressing combine the olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt in a mixing bowl. Dice the beets into bite-size cubes. Put them in the bowl of dressing. Stir well and refrigerate. When you are ready to serve, toast the sesame seeds in a pan on the stove top. Remove when they are golden brown. To serve, line each plate with a lettuce leaf. Stir the beets again, then us a slotted spoon to scoop them onto the plates. Sprinkle the seeds over the top and serve.

SESAME BEET GREENS (from Learning to Eat Locally) Serves 6
Greens of 4-6 beets, cut off 1-inch from root
1 Tbsp sesame oil
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1/4 cup sesame seeds
1 Tbsp soy sauce

 Rinse and dry beet greens. Slice them across the stem into 1-inch strips. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium high heat, tilting pan to coat. Stirring constantly with a spatula, toss in garlic, sesame seeds, and about half of the sliced beet greens. Shake on soy sauce and add remaining greens. Continue stirring until all greens have wilted and stems are tender (about 3-4 minutes). Move greens to a serving bowl and serve hot or at room temperature.   

2 Tbsp sesame oil
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 lb green or red mustard greens (spicy greens mix/arugula) washed, drained, and cut into strips
3 cloves garlic, minced (4-5 garlic scapes, chopped)
1 Tbsp fresh hot pepper, finely minced
1 Tbsp fresh ginger, minced
2 Tbsp vinegar
1 Tbsp honey
Salt and pepper, to taste

In wok or large pan, combine oils over high heat, but do not allow to smoke. Add greens and stir briskly for 1 minute or until color changes to bright green. Add garlic, pepper, and ginger; stir and cook another 30 seconds. Add vinegar and honey. Remove from heat and combine well. Add salt and pepper to taste.